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Post by Eorl @ 01:14pm 19/12/14 | 3 Comments
Blizzard has revealed that the World of Warcraft team may be looking at implementing a system that would allow players of the popular MMO the chance to trade in-game gold for game time, an option that has become quite popular in the MMO market.

The concept isn't entirely new, as I stated above. Various games are currently allowing players to trade in-game currency for game time, such as WildStar, EVE Online and ArcheAge. "Our current thought on this is that it would give players a way to use their surplus gold to cover some of their subscription cost, while giving players who might have less play time an option for acquiring gold from other players through a legit and secure system," the blog reads.

"A few other online games offer a similar option, and players have suggested that they’d be interested in seeing something along those lines in WoW."

The concept was discussed within a blog post outlining the year of 2015 for World of Warcraft, which you can check out over here to add into the discussion.

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Latest Comments
Posted 01:20pm 19/12/14
Worked for me in Eve. I had the means to make about 150-200m isk an hour running C3 wormholes solo and that equates to about $5-8. Or I could go buy a 6 pack of 30-day plex for about $120 and sell them all for around 3.8bn isk. It would take me something like ~20hrs to make that same amount doing C3 wormholes so it was worth doing to get back playing again.

I can't say it would work for me in WoW though, the game is just not interesting enough any more despite WOD :(
The Nerfatar
Posted 08:32pm 19/12/14
Are they suggested having other players sell the game time bought with real cash? Sounds like they're craftily circumventing the gold sellers for the business of converting money to gold, Reamde style.

The Old Republic is pretty nice to play as f2p because of a system like this (though it doesn't include subscription time, you can just buy a lot of the paid account unlocks from other players with in game credits).
Posted 09:46am 20/12/14
It worked for EVE, I think it will work for WoW.

I thought the same thing Nerf. It's to get around gold farmers.
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