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PC | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One
Genre: First Person Shooter Players: 1 to 4
Developer: Turtle Rock Studios
Publisher: 2K Games Classification: MA15+
Release Date:
February 2015
Evolve Review
Review By @ 04:05pm 01/04/15
Better late than never.

There’s a certain irony when looking at the shooter landscape -- as it currently stands -- considered against where its modern uber-popularity seemingly stemmed from. Call of Duty and Battlefield both have a lot to answer for and as part of that irony, a facet of both games’ most talked about features is in the single-player experience.

Those talks often stem around a need to pull the narrative experience from both games completely, given the life and longevity of both is in multiplayer. Moreover, a campaign isn’t necessarily needed when you consider the context of the fields of battle both games take place on. If you’ve seen the news at all in the past 12 or so years, Call of Duty and Battlefield’s setups are going to make sense to you (even if senseless in principle foundation).

Review Delay

Evolve has been out for a little while now, but its polarising beginning, its late-to-the-party fourth monster and its DLC and micro-transation monetary system has made it a difficult beast to review, fueling that polarisation.

Peppered throughout this longform breakdown of the game will be boxouts like this one painting gameplay pictures based on modes, characters maps and more. Segregating this type of review this way just makes more sense and should hopefully keep the clean info you want in ready reach to the more philosophical and analytical breakdown as it's presented in the body proper.

None of the above is to say either game doesn’t offer something from a campaign perspective, but it could be argued their oft short lengths and corridor-shooter checkpoint-to-checkpoint design is a flawed concept when stacked against lateral play in multiplayer sandboxes. In short, intriguing as their stories might seem, you’re only getting half the potential, and when a team is split between two disparate design goals, you’re maybe only getting half the game(s), too.

All or nothing then? Well, that’s what Titanfall set out to achieve with a campaignless multiplayer experience and, while mostly excellent in design and concept, the game still fell short. Limited platform availability, a questionable AI ducks-in-a-barrel economy system and negative press where some server issues were concerned (not here, we got lucky with this one) could all be attributed to Titanfall’s grounding, but I’d argue that it’s more a question of context and divulgence. And it’s in these two areas (coupled similarly with other nagging ‘issues’) I think Evolve has fallen short of its potential, too.

Interestingly, it’s in Evolve’s wonderful setting and through its gorgeous presentation that the game’s pitfalls begin to shine. As mentioned above, with games like Call of Duty or Battlefield, it’s not hard to relate to setting -- we’ve been hearing about those situations for the better part of a decade and you might either know of someone those situations have affected personally, or even been involved yourself. But I highly doubt any of you have piloted a mech or been sent to a dangerous planet to protect colonists from some very large and very angry native beasts. Nor do I think you’ve embodied a boss-like character in real-life, which leaves the purpose of Evolve more alien than its alien setting.

How You, Let's Fight

Evolve's myriad modes break up gameplay in fun ways, but the game's gameplay principle remains the same: 4V1 skirmish. Killing survivors as the monster, or running around the map with a hatched Goliath minion doesn't shift the gameplay paradigm enough, which is one of the game's more prominent hurdles. Less volatile objectives beyond kill or be killed would have been a huge welcome.
That certain irony then, comes in the form of Evolve’s dedication to both a PvP and co-op experience, and how that experience lacks in offering the experience (or context) required to ultimately deal with either side’s plight. Humans are human, of course, so it’s easier to see the field of players gravitating towards that end of the exciting spectrum here, and so our monster is a misunderstood Frankenstein of game design: a mindless, slow and hulking mess of a character whose investment requires a soft heart and a hard touch for it to be truly rewarding.

While this review is as lumbering in its timing as the monsters I’m talking about, we’ve at least been able to watch the customer and user feedback to what I considered last year would be a competitor for 2015’s Game of the Year, which has been a big boon in wrapping my head around just why such an excellent idea on paper -- why a game I played countless times ahead of release both last year and this year and had copious amounts of fun with -- is potentially tanking.

The two obvious culprits here are environment and deep-ends. The environments in which I played most of the game pre-release were ideal setups with good connections and rooms full of people yelling and screaming at one another. Evolve is a social game; it requires teamwork on one end and sledging on the other. And in its current environment that just likely isn’t happening -- at least not with random matchmaking. It’s an unusual situation because the pedigree here is PC, where LANs and asymmetry do make a lot more sense. If you consider console and what’s the norm there, it’s run-and-gun 12-year-olds smashing older people like me in Call of Duty (at least they sledge, though, I suppose). And that’s where deep-ends come in, because run-and-gunningclawing at heavily armoured humans capable of even mildly working out a base strategy for dealing with a boss creature in co-op, is not a fun way to learn the ways of the monster.

So there's that Solo option then, but again it's a problematic premise because of the specific roles and abilities of all of the hunters on offer. The AI is going to do what it's required to do and you're going to have to die and be pummeled and trapped and tethered and burnt myriad times before you have the big ugly chops to jump into a game confident of your abilities. Your knowledge of the environment and your poise as that aforementioned boss will take time to grow, and simply mashing your way to victory actually won’t work here -- you’re better off trying this against a bunch of low-level hunters unfamiliar with the game, but I digress.

Humans: The Game

Playing as the monster is a lot of fun if you know what you're doing, but it can also be a single-track experience. Especially in the basic Hunt mode. There are options to play quietly and with stealth, but your basic tactic is to avoid the hunters, eat and Evolve then either attack/ambush the humans or take out a generator.

The humans, however, have teamwork and exploration to draw upon, and the multi-tooled roles of each creates an engaging flurry of overlapping systems with interesting and rewarding outcomes. Playing as the humans is like being The Avengers against a single Hulk who just wants to be left alone or to Smash!, sure it's cool, but he really only has two gears.
Evolve’s premise is pure and good and games. Its roots go as far back as boss battles against Bowser, only in the interest of fairness, we get to be Bowser trying to stomp out Mario. The only problem is we need to learn to be the King of the Koopas before we can do that and that means a lot of dying, and with a field of players that isn’t, at the very least, growing (enough), you’re stuck fighting players who are levels and levels above you if you’ve just jumped in. The unfortunate side to this is the progression system, much like the premise itself, is wonderful on paper. Lose and you’re still rewarded. Win and you’re rewarded more. Focus on specific abilities in said win, and boom, it’s go-time. But the reality of actually playing, using matchmaking as the basis for everything already mentioned, means it’s not as forthcoming or rewarding as that, and a hard slog at best.

What Evolve needs is a bridge that invites context and meaning to the monster, so that you can better understand his or her abilities and their place in the world. Hunting challenges without humans that require taking down an Elite, for example, would free up the tension of being hunted. You could have rival monsters on the same map vying for a specific goal where you’re not required to hurt one another (Phil Robb explained to us out at Turtle Rock last year that they’d tried monster PvP and it just didn’t work) -- or, basically anything where you can play around with the monster’s abilities and traversal capabilities without looking over your hulking shoulder every few minutes. The obvious conclusion I’ve been building to here then, is that Evolve wouldn’t suffer the same schizophrenia as other games if it had a campaign that allowed for player evolution as far as the monsters go. It’s too late now, obviously, but in the interest of chipping away at the increasingly large barrier of entry, it’s an idea that feels right to bring into play in the process of review.

In future it would be great to see some additions to modes and maps like the ones suggested above -- even simple concepts like traversal time-trials where you have to activate gates at varying parts of the map, teaching you to work with a monster’s quick escape cool down, or the basic climbing mechanic -- would be helpful and welcome. It’s stuff a community would likely relish and could allow for more engagement in the game-world and the game’s monsters, beyond basic skirmish or hide-and-seek gameplay.

*cough* Mods *cough*

It really is early days yet, but with such a rich world with great characters and, of course, unique monsters, Evolve could well be suited to allow for community support by way of modding.

Whether that's an official toolset released by Turtle Rock or not would shape how any such initiative played out, but fresh consumer-based eyes on a product that has been long-gestating inside a studio could net some interesting and expansive results in favour of the game's future. Even offering a voting system for modes or maps through the community would help draw players in. Plus, it's part of the studio's heritage with Left 4 Dead still actively being played because of it.
It’s also good timing to publish as the ‘complete’ Evolve package is now available with the game’s fourth monster, Behemoth, available to everyone (for a price, mind) but that barrier of entry starts with the game’s price of admission as well, in that it’s milking DLC perhaps a bit too much for the average person to really buy into. That’s a broader discussion, and not one that sits squarely on the shoulders of Turtle Rock, but needs to be said given, without pre-order bonuses or a season pass, you’re paying $50-odd for four new hunters and a new monster, and as fun as they are (Behemoth is awesome, while Crow and Torvald round out the new humans brilliantly, plus there’s a fricking alien character), they shouldn’t need to be bought this early into a new IP’s lifecycle and, honestly, should have been free and part of the base game in the first place.

There’s so much to love about Evolve in design principle, and even more to love about the world Turtle Rock created here. Shear and its dangerous, native inhabitants are wonderfully realised backdrops and impediments to an ambitious and fundamentally good design goal -- one that sets out from the very start to flip the competitive and co-op shooter landscape on its head. The money side of things should not overshadow the outright shift here to make a smart and engaging co-op and multiplayer experience, but in that ambition an alien barrier has presented itself and it’s easy to see why people have been turning away. Get into a balanced game with friends or colleagues, and you’re almost always going to have a good time, but out in the wild with no general support where matchmaking is concerned you can quickly find yourself in the Wild West. And while the game-modes on offer are fun and engaging, and the scope of a full Evacuation can look good in terms of time-investment and map/environmental outcomes and shifts game-to-game, it can still leave players on a frustration precipice.

What all of this leaves is a Jekyll and Hyde experience for players. There's little room for human vs human real-world match-ups if you're leagues apart in level and experience, and the Solo option lacks the dynamism well-matched human players can offer in a competitive space. The design and thought that has gone into every available aspect of the game is clearly above and beyond the capabilities of so many other studios, but they all fall within the same, simple skirmish arena which, for some, can get old fast. And the lack of context behind map and environmental dynamics is too little to care about, which is a shame considering how much story is bursting at the seams of Shear's native and colonised self.

If it can withstand its apparent lull and plod along with new and interesting additions that not only invite new or scared players into the fold, while mixing up the skirmish component of the game, there's a good chance it will find its legs as a late bloomer. But there's no denying it has an uphill battle. Evolve is a gorgeous and ambitious product that should be celebrated for its lofty goals and ideas, but that it's being brought down to Earth suggests those ideas and goals aren't in line with what punters want. The price of admission should also see some adjustments, and the ability for the game to engage players in PvP, Co-op and Solo needs to be bolstered in a way that changes out the repetitive complaints most who've walked away from it continue to sing.

Evolve deserves its time in consumer hands and is a game that should not be so easily forgotten, but it does need some work to regain momentum.

What we liked
  • It's absolutely stunning
  • The world of Shear is gorgeous and bursting with narrative potential
  • Top-notch production on a unique multiplayer idea in a space starved of those (AAA that is)
  • In a social setting, the game is incredibly fun
  • Evacuation is the game's centrepiece and creates tense moments
  • The mix of monsters and their abilities is cool
What we didn't like
  • Matchmaking is messy more often than not
  • The financial barrier of entry is steep for a new IP
  • All modes rally around a kill or be killed mentality, which can be scary to some
  • Lacks more dynamic modes that encourage use and understanding of the monster
  • A story-based campaign would have helped the game immeasurably
We gave it:
Latest Comments
Steve Farrelly
Posted 03:44pm 08/4/15
On the topic of reviews guys, I had an idea while struggling to close this one out called "Finish this Review..." which would serve up a kind of "this game has this and this and looks and sounds like this, how it plays though is this: ..." which would then be followed up with (hopefully) constructive and critical input from community who had played the game. It obviously wouldn't work for every game, but could be something we did once a month for a biggish game that a lot of people jump into.

Just a thought at the moment...
Posted 03:49pm 08/4/15
Hmm. I would have thought the stupidly expensive DLC was part of the reason the game tanked. I was thinking about buying it, I was on the fence due to negative scores about players getting board of it fairly quickly. However the nail in the coffin was the spastically expensive, content delivering (thus gameplay changing) DLC. If was just skins I'd be mostly OK with it, however from what I could tell it was also weapons, so not just skins.

I wonder how many other people did a similar thing, that may have an impact on the game reaching that critical mass of sustained hardcore players required to keep servers alive at 4:00am in the morning. So that the less hardcore people could play the game anytime wherever they are in the world.
Posted 04:34pm 08/4/15
Posted 04:35pm 08/4/15
Had a lot of fun with this game personally but it has failed and this is why:

- Evolve had a stupid DLC and pre-order model and thus had the worst publicity of any game since Sim City or WarZ or something.

- "The game has no campaign" comes up a lot which I guess people like included. I personally don't understand this because I would rather play an awesome multiplayer game and forget the generic FPS campaign.

- The game has a bit of a learning curve which made people call it "Running Sim" which I guess is true at first but once you learn how to play it becomes far more rewarding.

- Moreso than other games Evolve relies heavily on teammates and thus is better with friends. I was glad to have a few regulars to play with... most wouldn't. If one team mate is s*** you will have a bad game.

- TRS didn't f*****g patch the game for over a god damn month! The Wraith (one of the 3 monsters) was broken from day 1 and impossible to kill, stats were getting reset on xbox, the steam overlay mouse cursor bug was there since alpha... The list goes on. I think this led to the massive drop in players on PC.

- There is no competitive mode like in CSGO/Dota/SC2. I think if you release an MP game these days you have to have a competitive mode.

- Finally now that the game has been patched and the new characters have been released I play only to find out that the new DLC hunter Sunny is way overpowered and there is a certain lineup of Hunters which destroys everything easily. Especially on PC due to improved aim.

So I have clocked about 80 hours on Evolve which is more than I do on most games which I guess is "getting my monies worth" however I am still pissed because the game had so much potential and I still enjoy it. I'll wait for these characters to get patched and maybe the game will get a second wind on sale or something.

Posted 09:19am 09/4/15
Isn't this game nearly two months old now? Is there even a point to a review? I'm not sure what is going on at AusGamers but having a review for a game come out two months late is pretty laughable at best. I know some outlets are taking a more "as it comes" approach to reviewing games, but they aren't taking two months to review a game that is now dead in the water and thus the review is pointless. I want to know on launch or shortly after launch if my money is worth spending, which is what a review should be for. Same can be said for Pillars of Eternity review and the game being two weeks old.

My thoughts on Evolve pretty much share what CTD and Tollazor stated. The game would have had a far more long reaching rein if it didn't revolve so heavily around DLC, and was a bit more relaxed in the need for tight-knitted teamwork. Of course having a game need teamwork is perfectly fine, but with Evolve just one tiny mistake as the hunters can really screw the entire game over. This makes playing the game tedious and dull when going to the public matches, something that definitely had a hand in killing the game for me and a lot of others.

For PC Evolve is now at a peak of 2.5k players. That is so laughable it hurts. Turtle Rock could have had a big success on their hands, but instead them and the publisher focused so heavily on DLC that it killed the game from the get-go. Had it been pitched as a free-to-play game or even a far cheaper price model it would have sold like hotcakes, but hey that would be logical conclusions.
Posted 09:39am 09/4/15
CS:GO made a huge comeback from being close to dead in the water. Match Making was a huge part of this. Valve, and the community, also presumably make heaps of cash via their skins, stickers, music 'dlc' system.

Evolve still has a chance to make a comeback. They need to rethink their price gouging DLC practice and step up their match making.

Steve Farrelly
Posted 10:44am 09/4/15
PostToast we don't always get early access to review code, and a game like Pillars can't be smashed out in 8 hours post-release for the sake of review.

Yes, our Evolve review is long in the tooth, but the pre-order on-disc content was unlocked just a week ago, so the WHOLE package is now available to play, not a locked out, watered down release. If that content hadn't been made available we would have walked away and not done the review for tardiness. It's also a persistent game that is evolving online for lack of a better word, and often games of this nature need gestation out in the wild to see what they're actually capable of or falling shy from. I mention in my review that every other chance I'd had to play the game was in conducive and generally well setup environments. Community is also a rather big gauge for this type of game, so it was partly an experiment to sit back and watch that unfold rather than give my initial two-cents on something that would slowly sink and I'd be lynched for, for being positive about because of those perfect play environments the publishers setup.

It's not as cut and dry as you might think, this reviewing process, and not everything is going to be timely or to your review satisfaction. We also get other games weeks before review and publish on embargo -- we're at the mercy of the product which is dictated as release by the product's controlling body: marketing, PR, distribution etc.

Thanks for your support.
Posted 10:57am 09/4/15
That seems reasonable, and I am glad to see it make its way out of the review woods, I enjoy reading the reviews here. It is a shame that the developer/publisher had timed some of the new DLC to only Xbox but I think that timer is now done if I'm not mistaken so I'll have to give it a bash again.

It just sucks with how Evolve was handled and that it truly is a great game, when it works. Hopefully as Tollazor said its PC userbase grows again so that the matchmaking can function again, but I won't be holding my breath.
Posted 11:01am 09/4/15

my initial two-cents on something that would slowly sink and I'd be lynched for, for being positive about because of those perfect play environments the publishers setup.

Steve Farrelly
Posted 11:43am 09/4/15
I have no idea what you're talking about Toll :P

Posted 04:48pm 09/4/15
So.. previously when you've been smashed over a review many times the defense was "we review the product as it stands right now" but now you apparently don't do that.
I'd be confused if I didn't know you were taking the piss.
Posted 06:06pm 09/4/15
Pssh, Simcity? I dunnno what I was even talking about. It must have been Cities Skylines, that game is tops.
Posted 07:42pm 09/4/15
It is a tad weird that SimCity's review is just completely gone. Tad unprofessional.
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