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Destiny: The Taken King
Destiny: The Taken King

PlayStation 3 | PlayStation 4 | Xbox 360 | Xbox One
Genre: First Person Shooter
Developer: Bungie Official Site: https://www.destinythegame.c...
Publisher: Activision Classification: M15+
Release Date:
15th September 2015
Destiny: The Taken King Review
Review By @ 11:37am 21/09/15
Let's jettison the preamble out the airlock early. You've either jumped into The Taken King's Dreadnaught already, or in your heart-of-hearts Bungie is dead to you, and this new expansion is all for naught. (Destiny is, after, all the most polarising product since sunglass lenses got invented.)

I was the Guardian who persevered with this franchise, for all its faults. Lately I've been thrashing my way through this new offering, but decided to hold the AusGamers review in abeyance until I could take a decent stab at the new Raid content (which dropped at 3am Saturday morning). Here then are my more complete thoughts on Destiny: The Taken King...

Let's kick this off by chronicling my grind up to becoming 'raid ready', Light 290. That triple-digit figure is an attack/defense average that very much defines your effectiveness in Destiny 2.0; any half-wit with a hand cannon can hit the more traditional level cap of level 40. Likewise, saying you've “clocked the story and hit the end credits” means bugger all as well – an Oryx showdown occurs in about three hours worth of play. It does, however, prove to be a very penultimate showdown.

Not long after the puniest-God-since-Loki retreats, you'll find yourself swamped by a slew of quests called The Taken War. Though these lack the grandiose mid-mission cutscenes of the opening act, they're still extremely well paced, offer taxing difficulty, and are professionally voiced by everybody's favourite roguish robo-man, Cayde-6 (played by the incomparable Nathan Fillion). Yes, Destiny now comes with a rollicking story and characters worth caring about. I’m just as shocked as you are.

I was also caught off guard by an RNG loot system that no longer makes me want to rage-spit at my TV. The game better tracks what you need, what you can do without, and an infusion system lets you sacrifice newer gear to ensure your favourites can continue being useful (does not include Year One stuff). There's also a neat series of “loaner gun” bounties, and the gunsmith has weekly items that are shiny (but of questionable quality) which can be blindly pre-ordered. How meta of you, Bungie.

Gone too are the weird stalling moments of progression where you can get stuck in gaming hell. Unlike the Year One content, being a level 31 in a fireteam with two 34s no longer feels like they're Domingo and Pavarotti while you're just “the other guy”. A Guardian's personal power is now based off 10 acquirable bits of kit, not four armour items that were randomly (read: sadistically) dropped from the higher end content.

The grind will no longer wear down your patience. The story is full-bodied and engaging. The content is at least twice what you got last year. Throw in a fantastic new co-op public event space (Court of Oryx), raid-lite Strikes that randomise encounters, plus a host of tricksy new enemy types, and The Taken King makes vanilla Destiny look like a rushed to market beta.

The icing on the cake, however, is definitely the raid content. From this point onward I’m going to be describing how the King's Fall fares compared to the much loved Vault of Glass and the decidedly meh Crota's End. If you don't want spoilers, please scroll down to the verdict section now.

I think Bungie has really delivered with this latest raid. The opening phase involves the best ingredient in any high-level content: teamwork, shouted orders/insults and post-game eating disorders. Familiar tactics return, like the synchronised portal standing, and this is woven in with the new “carry the glowball to the thing” mechanic that pops up in the main quests. You've also got to love a new jumping puzzle (and by 'love', I mean 'hate being a Hunter').

As our assault on Oryx progressed, we learned to respect randomised glyph sequences, buffs/debuffs that required our team to huddle into close proximity, and an intense section where we were forced to cower in the shadows of destructible objects, lest a boss' enrage timer tore us all a new one.

I won't spoil the final phases and ultimate encounter. Though I can confirm that they will push even the most skillful Guardian teams out there to their limits (until some OCD 13 year-old writes a cheese FAQ and ruins the challenge for everybody). One thing that's apparent: rocking up at 290 and expecting to have a fair shake at things after the second phase is a bit of a pipe dream at the moment. Before entering, I recommend that at least half of your team do the excruciating single-digit-Light-gain-grind that is going from 290 to 295+.

I’m not sure if it's the endorphins of post-raid afterglow talking, but right now I’m inclined to say this is Bungie's best end-game content yet. Any Guardian that was put off by the uninspired, massively cheese-able Crota's End, or the non-raid solution that was Prison of Elders, should definitely make a beeline for King's Fall. Just like the first time you blasted Atheon into fireworks with buddies, this is watershed moment stuff. Bungie has delivered a helluva final act to what's been a very surprising, highly purchasable rethink of this wayward franchise.
What we liked
  • Revamped loot system respects your time, no longer savours your tears
  • The power fantasy that is the new subclasses
  • Great multi maps, modes and the return of man-cannons
  • Court of Oryx offers madcap co-op with randoms
  • Imaginative, well-crafted high-level content
What we didn't like
  • Balancing issues with OP Stormcaller class
  • “Main quest” that sports big budget cinematics and plot peters out too soon (crapload of aftermath quests lack the same high production levels)
We gave it:
Latest Comments
Posted 02:01pm 21/9/15
Nathan Fillion is possibly the most awesome part of it, hes basically just playing Malcolm Reynolds. Props to bungie in that regard, I wouldn't have been able to even tell you the name of those cookie cutter npcs in the tower back in vanilla Destiny, but now they're actually characters with actual personalities. There is ACTUAL story that even mostly makes sense in this one. I like a bunch of the little quality of life changes they made too, like being able to turn in bounties without going back to the tower, and gliding not having a limited amount of fuel (at least I don't think it does, I don't see the fuel guage anymore and I've never run out while gliding). Not sure its enough to keep me playing when grind sets back in, but for now its fun.

Although, I'm pretty disappointed they made almost no improvements to the social side of things, or any improvements to group finding tools. That to me is the biggest problem with the game. Guilds are still meaningless ingame and still s***** to try and manage or use through the website. It really desperately needs some kind of premade group finder/builder in game to facilitate building groups for raids and nightfalls and stuff thats too niche or too difficult to use an automatic group finder for. Hell even just some super basic functionality where I can flag myself with a bunch of different statues like "Looking for group for raid" or "looking for group for nightfall strike" or whatever, then other people can search for players flagged that way and inspect them and invite them to a group. Or even just the ability to send an ingame broadcast to everyone on my friends list saying "Hey anyone wanna do strikes?" instead of having to message every single person one by one.
Posted 03:28pm 21/9/15
Woah 9/10?

I played the s*** out of Destiny in the first year up and really enjoyed the new content each time up until the point when it became just a boring grind I would play something else.

I sold my Destiny base game because I didn't think I would be interested in The Taken King but it's getting some good feedback and I've considered picking it up again.

Is it really that good and refreshing or will everyone be bored of the grind again in three months?
Posted 03:54pm 21/9/15
I think I'll definitely get bored of the grind again, I mean the content is a lot more interesting and varied now so it might take a bit longer to get sick of the grind, but the grind is still there. I reckon if you liked the original though, even before you gave up due to grind, its worth a go. Feels like the game Destiny should have been when it launched imo. The new missions are all pretty good, really atmospheric, much more so than the original I reckon, it actually tells a coherent story now, even the bits where you scan things with your ghost feel cooler. You don't just run up to stuff and deploy the ghost and shoot things while it unlocks something (well, occasionally you still do that), but a lot of other times its just optional stuff around the level you can scan if you find it. When you get near something you can scan you get like a little notification on your screen saying theres something nearby and then you get your ghost out and look around for whatever is glowing blue and then go scan that to get a bit of extra story stuff. Its a pretty small addition, but for some reason it just felt way way better than in the original game. Felt like you were actually unravelling and discovering stuff for yourself rather than just being shuttled from checkpoint to checkpoint and set piece to set piece.

Lots of little touches like that, make it feel like a reinvented game. You can even level up your ghosts now like you level up equipment and unlock perks on them that do stuff like earn you more glimmer when fighting certain enemies, or scan and mark resources nodes for you when you're out on patrol. Considering I'll probably never actually get a group of 6 people together to do the raid though, I'm sure I'll hit the wall of grind quicker than others and get sick of it again, but for now, its fun.
Posted 04:05pm 21/9/15
Okay well I might pick it up tonight, keen to see the new additions and if it's anything like D3 and D3 ROS then it might be worth getting back into!

I'm certain I have you on PSN already so you have two for a raid now.

I used got groups pretty easy, it was the only way I could experience the raid content.
Posted 06:26pm 21/9/15
Yeah, those websites just feel awkward to use though, and I'd rather not fill my friends list with randoms, but I guess it's the best solution for now
Posted 02:47pm 22/9/15
Okay first let me vent my frustration at how ripped off I feel.

I went into Target to buy 'The Taken King' thinking that I wouldn't have to wait for updates etc other than maybe a hot patch.

No... had a 17GB download, WHY? Oh because they just packed the originally Destiny CD in with a DLC code. /vent over

Either way the story immediately felt richer, I love the characters they have attitude and personality now, and I thought I heard Peter Stormare in the Tower hanger?!

So far it's alot better and not having to go back to the tower for bounties etc means more time playing the game.
Posted 04:37pm 22/9/15
Haha wow, thats so dodgy. I was actually the opposite, I was pleasantly suprised, had nothing to download except a tiny 16mb or patch when I got into the game. All the Taken King content must have been delivered with that big 2.0 patch/update they put out a few weeks beforehand and just unlocked when you buy it cos I have my PS4 set up to just download updates while its in standby and it had already grabbed it and updated by the time I bought the expansion.

Yeah, Peter Stormare has always been there, hes one of the pvp faction guys, think maybe the Dead Orbit guy? Its just his character doesn't really have anything to do with the story so you never hear him hehe. Would be cool if they use some of those characters more like they have the trainer guys.
Posted 03:13pm 28/9/15
Be serious though, SO WHAT if you get 'bored of the grind' in 3 months time. That was 3 months of enjoyment wasn't it?

I really don't understand why people feel the need for a game to last inevitably. You will get sick of playing ANY game.

In this day and age of gaming, if a game can hold you attention for 3 months, then that is pretty impressive.
Posted 03:47pm 28/9/15
I think 3 months is pretty generous though, a few weeks in and I'm starting to run out of things to do outside of logging in to daily missions. Its still fun for now though so I'm happy to do that or strikes or random patrols on the dreadnaught. A tonne of stuff is coming out over the coming weeks that I'm keen to play so it will probably carry me till then, then I'll likely shelve it again till they bring out some new stuff. But yeah, it was a worthwhile purchase, big improvement on the base game.
Posted 12:31pm 06/10/15
Rocket League, the best cure to break the Destiny grind. Me and my fireteam end most Destiny nights with a few games of Rocket League.
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