Post by KostaAndreadis @ 03:04pm 29/01/18 | 0 Comments
Out February 7 for PlayStation 4, the remake of the PS2 classic saw developer Bluepoint Games in Austin, Texas rebuild the game from the ground-up to take advantage of modern-day hardware. With that in mind naturally we get 4K, HDR, and a high frame-rate. But also, a remake that aims to convey the same sense of awe and scale of the original.
Or even, the first PlayStation 3 remaster.
Bluepoint studio president Marco Thrush notes, “With Shadow of the Colossus we’re working on a remake – it’s not really a remaster. One, because we already did the remaster. And, two, it’s getting to the point where, like, going from PS2 to PS4, there are certain expectations. Just re-releasing it the same way we had on PS3 just wouldn’t have done the title justice. It deserves more. We’re lucky that Sony agreed with our stance on that.”
Check it out.
In addition to revamping the controls to make them more in line with the Horizons and Uncharteds of today there will also be a classic control method for fans who simply want to play this new version of Shadow of the Colossus like the PlayStation 2 original.