Post by KostaAndreadis @ 03:41pm 23/02/17 | 0 Comments
Even though it went free-to-play on PC, that transition never happened for the console versions of Evolve. But, thanks to being a part of Xbox's Games with Gold lineup next month, Evolve: Ultimate Edition will be made available for free to all Xbox Like Gold subscribers. Also included in the free offerings will be Layers of Fear for Xbox One, and Borderlands 2 and Heavy Weapon for Xbox 360.
With both titles playable on Xbox One via the whole Backwards Compatibility deal. Here's Xbox Live's Major Nelson giving you the skinny on what's coming.
Out of the bunch perhaps only Heavy Weapon is the odd one out, as it kind of looks like a free game. No offense intended, and it might actually be pretty good, but next to the other offerings it looks like a mobile release.