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Post by Dan @ 10:54am 26/03/14 | 37 Comments
Among widely mixed reactions to this morning's surprise announcment that Facebook would be acquiring OculusVR, famed Minecraft developer Markus "Notch" Persson, who had committed a $10,000 pledge to the Oculus Rift's original Kickstarter campaign, has weighed in with his own position on the controversial move.

Persson reveals that he had been in discussion to develop a tailored version of Minecraft for the VR display, and that those plans were now shelved due to general distrust and lack of confidence in Facebook:
I definitely want to be a part of VR, but I will not work with Facebook. Their motives are too unclear and shifting, and they haven’t historically been a stable platform. There’s nothing about their history that makes me trust them, and that makes them seem creepy to me.

And I did not chip in ten grand to seed a first investment round to build value for a Facebook acquisition.

I have the greatest respect for the talented engineers and developers are Oculus. It’s been a long time since I met a more dedicated and talented group of people. I understand this is purely a business deal, and I’d like to congratulate both Facebook and the Oculus owners. But this is where we part ways.
Despite being posted with the disclaimer of it being a "midnight mind dump" from a "jetlagged and tired" Notch, the full blog post offers an earnest and transparent explanation for the developer's decision and is otherwise still very positive about the potential future for virtual reality tech.

Sadly, we're likely to see more of this kind of response from independent developers as the Rift project transitions from it's community-driven grassroots beginnings into a subsidiary of a publicly-listed company.

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Latest Comments
Posted 11:11am 26/3/14
Enjoy your Rifts guys.
Posted 11:57am 26/3/14
Notch is a pretentious douchebag these days. He thinks he's gods gift to gaming.
Posted 12:00pm 26/3/14
Notch is a pretentious douchebag these days. He thinks he's gods gift to gaming.

Yep. F*** Notch and whatever he has to say about anything.
Posted 12:02pm 26/3/14
What notch doesn't realise is that if it wasn't for social media sites like facebook his game would only be half as popular.
Posted 12:07pm 26/3/14
What's minecraft?
Posted 12:30pm 26/3/14
What's minecraft?

It's that game that came with windows alongside solitaire and hearts. Good times.
Posted 12:33pm 26/3/14
Notch sure does sound like a twit. He gave them 10K and expects to have input in the direction of product development. That's 0.000005% of what Facebook offered them, not including stock options.
Posted 12:48pm 26/3/14
i thought some modders had already ported it to oculus
Posted 12:48pm 26/3/14
He gave them 10K and expects to have input in the direction of product development.

I don't see where he said he wants input into product direction.

All he's done is take a principled stand on future support for the project.
i.e. You Oculus guys are Facebook now, and I don't like Facebook so I'm not going ahead with my VR thing. Congrats with the acquisition, good luck & go nuts with it though.

I guess his eleventy million dollars affords him the luxury of not having to kowtow very often.
Posted 01:06pm 26/3/14
Not direct control, but his comment below seems like a misunderstanding of the nature of Kickstarter. It's not an investment, it's a donation.

And I did not chip in ten grand to seed a first investment round to build value for a Facebook acquisition.
Posted 01:07pm 26/3/14
this guy has clearly snorted too much coke since making stacks with minecraft
Posted 01:09pm 26/3/14
Yeah I saw that bit. Notch isn't telling them not to do it, he's just saying he doesn't want to be associated with Facebook since that's where they've decided to source further funding.

No doubt it's an interesting position to take, because he's is probably leaving a s***load of VR money on the table.
He probably figures he has enough though. I can't see anything really wrong with taking that position.

I agree with Khel in the other thread, Oculus probably need some serious dollars to get off the ground. Why not Facebook?
There's questionable practices but they're no more evil or creepy than the other corporate tech giants IMO.
Posted 01:54pm 26/3/14
He probably figures he has enough though. I can't see anything really wrong with taking that position.

Yeah, if I had the kind of money he did, I would be throwing my weight around too.

Why not Facebook?

They would be pretty low down on a list of companies that I thought would do right by Oculus. They have very little experience in games, and pretty much zero experience in hardware beyond a few branded handsets. I wouldve thought someone with more experience in either of those areas might work better, Sony/Microsoft, EA/Activision, or even hardware manufacturers like Samsung or Apple.

Facebook just seems like a bad fit, and they're pretty unscrupulous to boot. In their favour, they have done right by some of the bigger acquisitions they've made of late, Instagram and Whatsapp still seem pretty popular and functional, although I don't have much interaction with either so I can't say for sure.
Posted 01:43pm 26/3/14
Alternate title: Swedish beard & hat team struggles to stay relevant.
Posted 02:19pm 26/3/14
If EA took it, that would suck.
If Apple took it, that would suck, more.
If Microsoft took it, pretty sure that would suck.
If Sony took it, you'd better believe it, that would suck.

So I guess Facebook taking it isn't so bad. I mean it makes more sense than say, BHP.
Posted 02:27pm 26/3/14
Alternate title: Swedish beard & hat team struggles to stay relevant.

Yup. Currently the top of r/all on reddit are like two threads about what Notch has to say. He offers no insight and is just pandering to the doom sayers.
Posted 02:31pm 26/3/14
What's minecraft? It's that game that came with windows alongside solitaire and hearts. Good times.

I lol'd
Posted 08:01pm 26/3/14
Notch is a pretentious douchebag these days. He thinks he's gods gift to gaming.

meh - he's defending his product/service

if I were him I'd be ditching on the Eng audience atm

Posted 09:02pm 26/3/14

Thats hilarious, notch is probably pissed because if he did properly invest rather than "kickstart" he'd have two s***loads of cash right now rather than just one
Posted 03:16am 27/3/14
things you didn't have yesterday: Minecraft for Oculus
things you didn't know existed yesterday: Minecraft for Oculus
things you've lost since yesterday: not a lot
chances that he'll change his mind again if the Oculus becomes the standard for VR that it still has a good chance of becoming: we'll see
Posted 07:55am 27/3/14
I would have thought Minecraft would have been developed for VR with headtracking and any devices that support that, like the OR. Seems weird to make it work only for the OR.
Posted 08:09am 27/3/14
what a wanker.
Posted 10:18am 27/3/14
Notch couldn't even get the promised modding API done because he was too busy adding in wolves that no-one asked for.

While I'm glad he made OG minecraft, I'm also glad that he has nothing the f*** to do with it anymore, since now it's actually becoming a game with thing people actually want.

Chances are the guys doing the actual development on MC will just ignore him and roll in a mod or something.
Posted 11:52am 27/3/14
I didn't know who Notch was, and hadn't previously read anything he's ever said before the last few days, but it's funny to watch a heap of people pour s*** all over him as if he's the new Justin Bieber, all for some relatively mild tweets and a blog.
Posted 12:27pm 27/3/14
all for some relatively mild tweets and a blog.

As far as I know, he ... just like the DayZ dev, worked on useless features while some of the core gameplay was broken, then (again, just like the DayZ dev) personally left his main project to work on something else as soon as some phat loot was acquired through pre-orders / early access.

I think those are the reasons for the overall hate - someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
Posted 12:46pm 27/3/14
Lets reverse this post because the ignorance makes much more sense this way around.
It's funny to watch a heap of people pour s*** all over him as if he's the new Justin Bieber, all for some relatively mild tweets and a blog. I didn't know who Notch was, and hadn't previously read anything he's ever said before the last few days.
Posted 09:11pm 27/3/14
Does anyone actually care about what he says, or is this the nerd equivalent of some random model/reality star commenting on something in a womens magazine? Where no one except the people writing the news stories care.
Posted 10:47pm 27/3/14
Lets reverse this post because the ignorance makes much more sense this way around.

I prefer it with the "but" in there, because changing or misreading the context of other people's statements to suit whatever point I'm trying to make would render that point invalid. We can get into an argument about it, if it's going to help you sleep tonight?
Posted 12:02pm 28/3/14
Don't like a post, must go on a tangent trying to pick it apart with s***** logic.

Smoking a few grams of weed helps me sleep at night. Taking out a lightweight such as yourself doesn't.

You'll have trouble arguing this point when you do it to others. Either the above quote is familiar to you, or delusion is getting the better of you.
Posted 10:05am 28/3/14
Don't read this place much anymore because there is too many people on here that genuinely think they are intelligent but are not.
ph33x is one of those, with some heavy personality and/or psychological issues thrown in.
Is that seriously a quote from another forum from how long ago?

So many issues.
Posted 10:18am 28/3/14
Don't read this place much anymore because there is too many people on here that genuinely think they are intelligent but are not.
ph33x is one of those, with some heavy personality and/or psychological issues thrown in.
Is that seriously a quote from another forum from how long ago?

Line 1: Nobody cares/why are you still here?
Line 2: Top baseless insult bro. Which debate with me did you lose that created the most butthurt?
Line 3: Posted two days ago, on this forum.

I get sick of people who seemingly have no clue, but that doesn't stop me from frequenting a website. Message!

I should be all internet tough-guy and call you mental, spazzo, retarded, stupid, etc - but it's not my style, I'm just too OG - sorry.
Posted 11:46am 28/3/14
Not sure how Helyi is trying to be an "internet tough-guy". That would be trying one-up people over incredibly trivial crap with redundant semantics, posting smack talk in a point-by-point format, and completing every post with 'finisher' sentences that always read like you're expecting a high five from somebody.

You're a psychopathic wanker.
Posted 11:51am 28/3/14
You also didn't know who Notch was, all the while judging people for something they clearly knew far more about - so your personal opinion has failed to gain any traction with me champ, sorry.

Nonetheless, nice 'finisher' after posting about finishers bro. What other tricks can you do which further proves my point that you are deluded?
Nerf Stormborn
Posted 03:08pm 28/3/14
Does anyone actually care about what he says, or is this the nerd equivalent of some random model/reality star commenting on something in a womens magazine? Where no one except the people writing the news stories care.

He has some credibility as a pretty decent game dev beyond just minecraft from what little I've seen, but I don't agree with him here.
Posted 04:55pm 02/4/14
Facebooks got money though. They can buy people to make things work. It's simple really. I'm surprised people still play Minecraft. I got bored of it ages ago.
Posted 12:15am 03/4/14
Never played it, was it any good?
Posted 02:27am 03/4/14
I think a lot of people misunderstand Zuckerberg and Facebook's true goals, easy to do given it's cliched role in the social world now. The VR thing and the metaverse tie-in Abrash references seem like natural progressions for Zuckerberg and FB to me, based on what I've read about his vision.

Also I think FB and the money/support they bring will enable it to actually happen. Don't forget that FB are much like Google in that they have gazillions of dollars, exceptionally talented people, and are free to do what they like.

Most stuff I've seen about Notch is that he's a total douchebag.
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