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Post by Dan @ 09:58am 14/01/14 | 16 Comments
Almost a year on from its troubled launch, EA Maxis has revealed that a forthcoming update for SimCity will enable players to run the game offline, with an official blog post explaining that "all of your previously downloaded content will be available to you anytime, anywhere, without the need for an internet connection".
In Update 10, you can still play solo in Regions on your own, or in Multiplayer with people from around the world. What’s new is the Single Player Mode, which allows you to play the game Offline by yourself. And because your saved games in this mode are stored locally, you can save and load to your heart’s content. Our team will be delivering a follow-up blog that will outline the full details in the near future so stay tuned.

So what does this mean for the Online game? All of the benefits of being connected will remain including access to Multiplayer, the Global Market and Leaderboards. And all of your pre-existing saved cities and regions will still be accessible should you log-in to the Online game.
The online requirement's removal naturally opens the game up for much deeper modability, an aspect that EA Maxis is actively encouraging:
Bringing the game Offline means big things for our wonderful community of Modders. They can now make modifications to the game and its components without compromising the integrity of the Online game. Modding is a big part of our studio’s legacy and we’re excited to see what you guys create. Check out this thread to learn about Oppie85’s Central Train Station, which you can put into your game right now, and if you’re interested in making your own content take a look at the Modding Policy. To get you started, we will be rolling out a series of tutorials from the studio that surfaces how we’ve created some of the content that you’ve seen so far in hopes of inspiring your creativity.
Update 10 is reportedly in "the late phases of wrapping up it's development", with the studio wanting to deliver it "as soon as possible", but stopping short of offering an actual release date. All will be how it should have been last March.

Tell us what you think. Had you been holding out, and will play it now, or is it too late?

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Latest Comments
Posted 10:07am 14/1/14
But wasn't the reason for online because of all the massive calculations the servers had to do, that was their excuse at some point.

Too late. Maybe if someone mods it to have bigger cities.

This whole SimCity thing has been a massive c*** up from the start, of which they received lots and lots of money from customers at the cost of pissing off the those customers. I personally won't bother with EA Maxis again and well lets face it, EA was already on the bottom of the list right there just below ubisoft.

Posted 10:07am 14/1/14
Bit late... Everyone's already on the 'f*** it' bandwagon. I'd bet a few will go back and play it, but in an hour or two, they'll have maxed out their city and grown born of it.
Posted 10:19am 14/1/14
I've grown weary over the gaming sector lately, so much s*** stuff under 'brand' names coming out. Enough fellow gamers told me that Simcity was bad that I simply said I wasn't going to buy. These guys have played SimCity since 2000, some before.

I always thought SimTower was pretty awesome.

Posted 10:53am 14/1/14
They can keep their game and stuff it, it may be a good game (always online DRM aside) but just because they're adding offline now it doesn't mean I'll go out there and buy it.

They said that offline wasn't possible and that it was designed "as an MMO", despite all this a hacker proved them wrong during the release and they patched the thing. One year later they come like a beaten dog and speak of an update with offline mode like nothing happened.

Sorry EA / Maxis I still won't buy your game, the damage has been done, and so am I with stupid companies such as these.
Posted 11:02am 14/1/14
Do people who say they'll boycott the likes of EA actually boycott? Every EA release people will b**** and moan about the game and how they'll never buy another EA game, yet get their next release?

I don't support the likes of EA or Acti because I hate their price gouging and disdain for the community.
Posted 11:14am 14/1/14
Bit late... Everyone's already on the 'f*** it' bandwagon. I'd bet a few will go back and play it, but in an hour or two, they'll have maxed out their city and grown born of it.

amen brother
Posted 11:16am 14/1/14
Do people who say they'll boycott the likes of EA actually boycott?
I didnt buy (or otherwise play) the new Sim City. At least in my particular case, the DRM worked against them - I was thinking of buying it, but put it off when no one could play due to the authorization issues. By the time they had sorted that out, word had got out (despite the 9.4 review) that this game was a bit naff - so I just ignored Sim City and moved on.
Posted 11:30am 14/1/14
and they said it couldn't be done. such liars.
Posted 11:31am 14/1/14
By the time they had sorted that out, word had got out (despite the 9.4 review) that this game was a bit naff - so I just ignored Sim City and moved on.

This is also why I don't listen to what is essentially a preview. A review should take place a week or two after the game is public, on the shelf/steam/origin released. Yes, it gives them a grace period to fix horrible issues (2 weeks is more than enough time) but it also reveals a game for it's true score. SimCity fell sharply, even if the servers were rooted early on. It took a little playing to realise the s***** max size limit of the areas.

I don't know about you guys, but most of the guys I spoke to don't really give a f*** about regions. They just want a single, very large area to play with.
Posted 11:34am 14/1/14
I've played about 90 hours of it. Mainly because I had restart my city over 5 times because of stupid bugs. The biggest problem isnt offline/online play. Its how small the cities are and how network neighbourhoods dont really work properly. I made a city that was full residential and they all complained there was no jobs, but right next door to them i had fully industrial city needing workers. I had like 30 buses, trains and airports for them to connect with but still nothing.
Posted 12:00pm 14/1/14
(despite the 9.4 review)

Man, I embarrassed myself in that thread. So angry!
Posted 02:10pm 14/1/14

Do people who say they'll boycott the likes of EA actually boycott? Every EA release people will b**** and moan about the game and how they'll never buy another EA game, yet get their next release?

I haven't bought an EA game since, f*** em. There are heaps better companies out there.

Simcity was the last straw, such a terrible game. 2.1 user score on metacritic with a critic score of 64. A partial reason why I don't even bother with Ausgamers review scores, they tend be fairly well written but are way way way way too lenient on the stuff people care about.
Posted 03:21pm 14/1/14
i might look at getting it now,
Posted 03:23pm 14/1/14
I bought Sim City when it came out but never played it because of all the initial teething issues, then I just went onto other things. Might give it a whirl when this patch is released. The best thing that came from me buying Sim City was that I got two free games out of it, Crysis 3 and Dead Space 3. That said Crysis3 is boring from what I played and I haven't got to trying Dead Space3 yet.
Posted 05:25pm 14/1/14

After all that online calculation bulls*** that was proven false pretty quick after release.
Posted 09:03pm 14/1/14
My last game published by EA was Dragon Age: Origins so it's been a while since I bought any of their games.
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