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Post by Eorl @ 10:10am 25/05/13 | 3 Comments
After the initial reveal of the Xbox One earlier this week, many fans were left confused as to what Microsoft's exact stance was on the online DRM system and whether the Xbox One would allow used games. Various conflicting reports surfaced suggesting that the system can support used games, while others suggested that this wasn't the case.

Official word on the matter has yet to be completely clear, however according to Polygon and sources close to the publication, the Xbox One will allow used games but will utilise a "regular online spot check to verify the authenticity of games being played." It is unclear as to how long a Xbox One console can go without being checked online, however Microsoft's Phil Harrison has previously stated to Kotaku that the console would require an online check every 24 hours, however other officials have confirmed this is one possible scenario.

To continue the confusion MCV are reporting that several anonymous retail sources have detailed just how gamers will trade in their used games, revealing that a system designed by Microsoft will allow gamers to de-authenticate their copy of the game and trade it in, removing it entirely from their account. MCV has detailed the potential process:
A gamer walks into a retailer and hands over the game they wish to sell. This will only be possible at retailers who have agreed to Microsoft’s T&Cs and more importantly integrated Microsoft’s cloud-based Azure pre-owned system into its own.

The game is then registered as having been traded-in on Microsoft’s system. The consumer who handed it over will subsequently see the game wiped from their account – hence the until now ambiguous claim from Phil Harrison that the Xbox One would have to ‘check in’ to Microsoft’s servers every 24 hours.

The retailer can then sell the pre-owned game at whatever price they like, although as part of the system the publisher of the title in question will automatically receive a percentage cut of the sale. As will Microsoft. The retailer will pocket the rest.
It is currently unclear exactly how big of a cut retailers will be taking from traded-in games, but that it could be somewhere in the ten percent mark, however these are unconfirmed. These same reports also suggested a activation cost of £35 for pre-owned titles, though Polygon's sources are reporting that this is no longer the case.

Microsoft has yet to reveal a full statement on how exactly their next-gen console is going to work in today's market, however Microsoft's Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb has revealed that the "ability to trade in and resell games is important to gamers and to Xbox."
Xbox One is designed to support the trade in and resale of games. Reports about our policies for trade in and resale are inaccurate and incomplete. We will disclose more information in the near future.
Hopefully with this large amount of confusion we'll be able to get some direct and clear answers come E3 2013 in early June. Until then the guessing will continue.

xbox onedrmused gamesmicrosoft

Latest Comments
Posted 12:27pm 25/5/13
Holy s***, the far more interesting/important thing (to me anyway) is the fact that publishers are going to get a cut of second hand sales. With that one move they will instantly get devs/pubs onside in their war against the second hand market.
Posted 12:46pm 25/5/13
Don't you just love how EA dropped online passes to garner positive press but in reality a deal was probably just finalized in the back rooms directly relating to this. I'm not sure this would have ever got off the ground with out giving something back to the publishers.

Regardless tho if i can't lend a mate a game for the night without having to pay a transfer fee then whats the point of having physical media in the first place. Make it purely digital or offer digital purchases at a significantly reduced price to reflect the fact that i can no longer trade it in or share it with friends - unlikely that will ever happen tho. Passing savings onto consumers, earning trust/respect, has become a somewhat backwards idea in the corporate world these days.
Posted 02:39pm 25/5/13
Why did MS have to begin with being confusing to start with? They didn't elaborate on the reasons why they've proposed all the new features they have. eg. Kinect always connected, verification of game disc, etc.

This has really turned me off their new console (not to mention the lame name and design imo) and I can only imagine the uproar with the uninformed parents dealing with this in the future....poor sales people who will suffer the consequences of MS's actions....
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