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Post by Pirroh @ 02:37pm 03/06/11 | 70 Comments
The Duke Nukem Forever demo has landed.

For those of you in the First Access Club, you can now head over to the official website to get your demo code. The PC version goes through Steam so you'll be getting a code to enter there, after which you should be up and running.

A new launch trailer has also been released as we're only days away now from the day many of us thought would never come. Watch below or in high definition now. promoted/edited forum item

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Buy now from Only AUD$12.99!
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Latest Comments
Posted 02:52pm 03/6/11
Did I just see some jetpacking multiplayer action in that trailer? s*** yeah!
Posted 02:54pm 03/6/11
Did I just see some jetpacking multiplayer action in that trailer? s*** yeah!
Well, it was in Duke3D.
Posted 02:57pm 03/6/11
whats the release date for everyone else?
Posted 03:10pm 03/6/11
Posted 03:23pm 03/6/11
The site appears to be getting hammered. Takes ages to load and login and then I get this error "Could not retrieve your demo code at this time."
Posted 03:28pm 03/6/11
site is getting hammmmmmmereddddd :(
Posted 04:18pm 03/6/11
Field of view is small, mouse movement feels off and only being able to carry two weapons is more annoying than I thought it would be. Other than that I thought it was alright for a demo.
Posted 04:33pm 03/6/11
Demo before the game is released? What is this, 1999?
Posted 04:39pm 03/6/11
Site was running fine for me. Got my key in Steam and it's currently downloading.
Posted 04:41pm 03/6/11
Downloading...slowly. Pirroh - multiplayer included?
Posted 04:57pm 03/6/11
No multiplayer.
Posted 04:58pm 03/6/11
How big is it? I got my code from Borderlands but unsure if I want to waste my time for something thats coming out in a week anyway.
Posted 05:00pm 03/6/11
Just over 1.7GB.
Posted 05:11pm 03/6/11
Stroke meh stroke meh!
Posted 05:21pm 03/6/11

i meant the demo, not the full game.
Posted 05:26pm 03/6/11
I don't have a code so guess I can't play. Oh well only another 6 days till retail arrives at my door.
Posted 05:43pm 03/6/11
demo only goes for 20 mins.

looks like it will be fun though.
Posted 05:48pm 03/6/11
ROFL at the "Hell, I'd still hit it" scene in that trailer
Posted 05:49pm 03/6/11
Awesome. Downloading the demo now on Xbox.
Posted 05:53pm 03/6/11
Ahahah I laughed at that too E.T. Can't remember the last time a game trailer actually made me laugh.
Posted 05:59pm 03/6/11
Played it and it was k. Felt like I was playing a console game. Was a pretty big snore fest for me and didn't really show off anything. I'd be more impressed if it were Duke 3d with upgraded graphics. Seemed like a theme park ride and the repetitive "urgh" jump noise made me cry.
Posted 06:01pm 03/6/11
Played it and it was k. Felt like I was playing a console game. Was a pretty big snore fest for me and didn't really show off anything. I'd be more impressed if it were Duke 3d with upgraded graphics. Seemed like a theme park ride and the repetitive "urgh" jump noise made me cry.

Maybe stop jumping !? Or are you getting ready for multi player?
Posted 06:06pm 03/6/11
It's not just Borderlands GOTY either - If you bought normal BL on Steam, you get the code too!
Posted 06:27pm 03/6/11
Really underwhelming demo. Even the controls don't feel right. I'll be giving this a miss.
Classic Spanky
Posted 06:28pm 03/6/11
Is the demo the first level?
Posted 06:32pm 03/6/11
That was ...... s*** lol.
Posted 06:55pm 03/6/11
Should I download the demo on xbox or not?

You decide.
Posted 07:05pm 03/6/11
I don't even know what I played. Nothing connected. Even the whiteboard didn't trigger a "great plan duke! follow me!". You can pick up s*** in a toilet but you can't maneuver into a spa - the boss fight was repetitive and required no real strategy. Download to experience wtf. Maybe I'm in a bad mood.
Posted 07:09pm 03/6/11
I wouldn't bother fixah unless you've got gigs to blow.
Posted 07:18pm 03/6/11
Yeah, the big boss at the start was retarded. He just stands there shooting slow moving rockets at you, so you circle strafe around him holding the shoot button. Really boring.
Posted 07:25pm 03/6/11
I wouldn't bother fixah unless you've got gigs to blow.
nah i don't. I'm watching it now on youtube with some live commentary instead.
Posted 08:06pm 03/6/11
DSP makes everything sound awesome.

Posted 08:07pm 03/6/11
Yeah, the big boss at the start was retarded

Having not played the demo, is this the final boss from the original duke3d game? Because he was piss easy too even then.
Posted 08:09pm 03/6/11
Yea played through it a couple of times now, a bit meh but not bad. Did the mouse feel like s*** to anyone else or was something just wrong with my settings?
Posted 08:18pm 03/6/11
Yeah, I got that too so it's not just your settings. Turning 'mouse precision' in the settings down to one made it a bit better though.
Posted 08:26pm 03/6/11
Agree with everyone's comments. Feel free to continue discussion here too:
Posted 08:38pm 03/6/11
Haha door i was just about to post the DSP video of the demo as well. I thought i was the only one here who watched his videos.

Glad i watched it for 25 minutes rather than download it. That was a terrible demo.
Posted 09:51pm 03/6/11
Currently part way thru the 1.7gb DL and was expecting something good but after this thread - sadface.
Posted 11:29pm 03/6/11
I this is one of the cases where it wasn't a very good idea to release a demo beforehand.
Posted 12:19am 04/6/11
Hit and miss IMO. Some LOLs with comments Duke and others make but bad boss battle and lame only being able to carry 2 weapons. Plus, the hogs can dual wield pistols but duke cant? Seems pretty good overall but not ground breaking as some hope for.
Posted 12:35am 04/6/11
bad boss battle

I'm guessing you mean the 1 eyed guy at the start in that demo walkthrough video. I can only guess that since really that whole thing is duke playing a video game of himself, that it's sort of ment to be easy and the final moments to duke3d. They wouldn't of added a super hard boss battle in the opening moments of the game. Time will tell though.
Posted 01:31am 04/6/11
Fark you could just tell this game was gunna be bad. Like any other FPS no one cares about.
Posted 01:44am 04/6/11
I feel sad for being the only person to recognise Micky Avalon as the voice of the soundtrack for that trailer... anyone else get into some of his music? =p
Posted 11:22am 04/6/11
Demo basically confirmed my expectations.

Not a game changing experience, but a nostalgia session on how games use to be.

Games take themselves way to seriously these days, it's nice to have the odd game like bulletstorm and this to remind us all what games are really about. (well what they are about for me anyway.)
Posted 11:24am 04/6/11
im pretty sure i had this first acces club code, where was it from again?
Posted 11:25am 04/6/11
I forgot I actually had borderlands bought on my steam account (lol?) so I managed to play the demo. That intro with duke going through the last game was kick ass. I can see what people mean about the mouse issues. While it's nothing big and after 5 - 10 minutes you stop thinking about it, but at first it seems a bit off somehow. However gameplay wise I was having a blast. The 2 gun only thing does indeed suck ass and that is a really dumb mechanic to have in place. Hell they could of even had duke make refrences like "how the f*** do i carry all this s***?" but other than that I thought it was great.

Duke was quite talkative for me and said quite a few things that made me laugh, like when picking up the s*** he says "a turd in the hand is worth two in the bush". Would of been better to see people freak out as you handle the crap though, like calling you a sick f*** or something. Drawing on the whiteboard was awesome. I drew balls on that monster guy and got praised for it so I felt like I was helping with the attack. Big boss was a tad easy even on the hardest setting which I played but I suspect that was only because it was the start of the game. Holoduke was cool too, how you become cloaked for the duration of it. I'm looking forward to 6 days from now.
Posted 11:28am 04/6/11
f*** yeah borderland =) bought that a while ago now on sale. awesome downloading now
Posted 11:32am 04/6/11
If you bought Borderlands (or the GOTY Edition) on Steam you should have got a code for it under it's CD-Key section.

edit: perhaps I should have refreshed the page before responding to scoob, lol
Posted 11:54am 04/6/11
They should have got that homeless radio guy to do the voice.

The idea is maybe just to use the demo to give you a quick look at the game.
They dont want you playing the demo then continuing to play the demo and not buy the game.

Have Faith.
Posted 01:03pm 04/6/11
Here's a video of someone playing the demo, looks pretty bleh:

I haven't bought the game, but I think it would still be fun to play so maybe I will when the price goes down.
Posted 03:27pm 04/6/11
Game is meh, mouse control is horrible.

The random content is kinda entertaining.


Got a LOL out of me. =\
Posted 04:29pm 04/6/11
I'm starting to think they should not have released it - its going to get bashed so hard in the press because its just nothing new and does not add anything to the genre.

Who is going to pay $90 for game that should have been put out 5 years ago?
Posted 04:50pm 04/6/11
I would. Actually this game should of been out like 10 years ago and as long as it's fun, I don't mind how long it took. This game was always going to be crucified because of the development length. I still play the old build engine games so doesn't phase me in the slightest if this is "dated" because from the demo it looked pretty cool graphically to me. The opening boss fight's rain effects with the rainy mist was pretty cool
Posted 04:59pm 04/6/11
It's not just the graphics that are underwhelming, the whole package is sub-par. The controls feel sloppy, the level design is mediocre, and the s***** DoF effect makes everything look like a blurry mess.
Posted 08:14pm 04/6/11
Exactly Midda - I'm not so hung up on the graphics - but that demo was a yawn fest.
Posted 11:32pm 04/6/11
For the people commenting on the mouse - turn off aim assist. For some stupid reason it's on by default even though next to it, it says something about using an xbox360 controller.
Posted 12:18am 05/6/11
They need an option to turn off that DoF effect, it is horrible, especially when zooming :(
Posted 06:37am 05/6/11
The mouse controls felt awful, and yes I had aim assist turned off but it felt so jerky and s*** and not smooth at all. I didn't even finish the demo, I couldn't, it wasn't fun at all.
Posted 05:03pm 05/6/11
Okay. Well here's something to do. In the bathroom - Type DNCLIP. Not too fast, not too slow. You'll get it eventually. Look down. You'll see some sort of city from above. Keep moving towards it (w). Eventually after like 3 minutes (I s*** you not, the no clip movement is so damn slow) you'll see a window on the side of a tall building (dukes mansion) - go through it (if you type dnclip straight away after the pissing scene, you'll need to move towards the city (below) a little more). Here you can mess around with pool table, light switches, girls and such.

You can also type in DNWEAPONS like the old game. You'll still only carry two, but the rest will fall on the floor for you to sought through. Few more guns than in the demo.

Edit: Aight. So I just explored the area and although there's pretty much nothing to do - it gives you a better feel for what the game could be though. I'd be happier if the demo started in the mansion.

Getting in the elevator ends your experience...just so you know.

last edited by Door at 17:03:35 05/Jun/11
Posted 11:45pm 05/6/11
Saw this and laughed hard. The Holoduke talks.

I am here to kick ass and chew bubble gum and I am all out of ass. Also George Broussad explains the 2 weapon limit

Except dnf uses the dpad for items like holoduke, duke vision, etc. There are only so many buttons. Add to that, that consoles represent 70% of game sales today, and that the two weapon scheme has worked and been STD since halo in 2001 and it's really not an issue.

The levels have weapons spread all over them. It's actually good gameplay to decide what to carry at any given time. Choices and consequence are good things in a game. I don't personally think it's good to carry 10 guns anymore, but that opinion is made irrelevant by the existence of consoles. It's not really worth the dev effort to support two different weapon switch schemes for pc vs controller, to say nothing of level and gameplay balance if one version of the game let's you carry 10 guns, and another, 2. The levels were all balanced with ample weapon drops and caches.

In the grand scheme of playing the full game it's really not a big deal.

Yes, the original game let you carry all weapons, but you do adapt to modern standards in some areas.

Linky. Seems i'm one of the minority who thinks halo was a f*****g terrible game and only served to dumb down the FPS genre entirely. Weapon carry limits, regenerating health/shields, bad level design... yeah that's sure worth copying. The comment about a weapon wheel would of been perfect for consoles and it could of been totally removed from the PC version in lieu of the old classic style.

last edited by DM at 23:45:54 05/Jun/11
Posted 12:05am 06/6/11
Okay. Well here's something to do. In the bathroom - Type DNCLIP. Not too fast, not too slow. You'll get it eventually. Look down. You'll see some sort of city from above. Keep moving towards it (w). Eventually after like 3 minutes (I s*** you not, the no clip movement is so damn slow) you'll see a window on the side of a tall building (dukes mansion) - go through it (if you type dnclip straight away after the pissing scene, you'll need to move towards the city (below) a little more). Here you can mess around with pool table, light switches, girls and such.

You can also type in DNWEAPONS like the old game. You'll still only carry two, but the rest will fall on the floor for you to sought through. Few more guns than in the demo.

Edit: Aight. So I just explored the area and although there's pretty much nothing to do - it gives you a better feel for what the game could be though. I'd be happier if the demo started in the mansion.

Getting in the elevator ends your experience...just so you know. last edited by Door at 17:03:35 05/Jun/11

Posted 12:48am 06/6/11
Haha, I like the Holoduke stuff. The Total Recall reference was pretty sweet
Posted 10:48am 06/6/11
I don't like how they decided to make it like modern standards. That was the whole point of Duke, he was a badass motherf***** and it was all old school gameplay. Shame that they've copped out and went the halo route.
Posted 11:36am 06/6/11
Some funny s*** in this game, getting more excited the more I see.

Eorl, you can't really say they copped out because as they stated, there's not enough buttons on a stupid console controller for it to work properly.
Posted 12:08pm 06/6/11
Is this the Unreal 2 engine ?

Is there a level editor with the game ?
I made a Q3 Level years ago based on the Hollywood Holocaust level of Duke 3D.
Would be good to try and revive that level and maybe others for the new version.

I like the idea of only 2 weapons being carried.

I wouldnt mind forking out for a Console for this game but If it can be modded then surely a PC Version will have more shelf life ?
Posted 01:26pm 06/6/11
Some funny s*** in this game, getting more excited the more I see.

Eorl, you can't really say they copped out because as they stated, there's not enough buttons on a stupid console controller for it to work properly.

Yeah I know. But that's why you do what CD Project does, and release a PC version, then modify to console standards. Like how they use to do it.
Posted 01:52pm 06/6/11
Would be good to try and revive that level and maybe others for the new version.

No need really. Some guy has been given permission by gearbox to remake Duke3d on the Unreal3 engine:

Couple early screenshots here:!
Posted 02:21pm 06/6/11
Hmm those vids look awfully jerky. Is the actual game like that, or is it just the videos?
Posted 03:02pm 06/6/11
there's a more comprehensive review here:

they interviewed the president of gearbox software as well
Posted 03:49pm 06/6/11
Hmm those vids look awfully jerky. Is the actual game like that, or is it just the videos?

It was really jerky when I played it, not a frame rate issue, seemed to be the mouse movement was just extremely jerky. It gave me the s****, I couldn't keep playing it.
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