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Post by Dan @ 02:31pm 27/05/11 | 19 Comments
When it was announced that David O.Russell was going to be directing a film based on Sony's popular Uncharted videogame series, many gamers saw a glimmer of hope that perhaps we'd actually see a game to movie conversion that could break the genre's mold of mediocrity-at-best -- and that was before his latest film The Fighter received some serious Oscar praise.

Unfortunately hat glimmer has been snuffed today, with Variety reporting that the director has parted ways with the project, describing an amicable split due to "creative differences". Further, O. Russell's split likely means that the rumoured cast that included Mark Wahlberg, Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci has also been scrapped, with Variety indicating that it was likely the producers would start from scratch.

One has to wonder what kind of creative differences studio executives could have that were so important as to conflict with an an award-winning director realising their vision. Let's hope they can find a good fit for a replacement, as Nate Drake deserves a chance at a proper treatment.

The PlayStation 3 exclusive Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is due on November 11th 2011. We'll have more details on the game following the E3 trade show next month.


Latest Comments
Posted 02:41pm 27/5/11
thank god. what he was planning for the movie was total crap and wasn't uncharted at all.

he wanted the movie to be about
“a crime family that metes out justice in the world of art and antiquities … They’re like the Sopranos in some ways, but they have great taste, and they have a sense of justice.”

nice work totally ignoring the source material, retard.

last edited by ravn0s at 14:41:55 27/May/11
Posted 02:42pm 27/5/11
ravn0s: Yeah, I hope that's the cause for the split. That Sony wants the film to stay as familiar to the game as possible, but Russell wanted to blaze his own trailer and change too much of it.

I think the characters and their relationships are great as is, and I don't think that should be (or needs to be) changed for the sake of a movie adaptation.
Posted 03:06pm 27/5/11
Don't forget that david russell is a huge a****** who treats everyone like crap, which is a more likely reason for the split
Posted 03:06pm 27/5/11
Yeah, considering what he was planning on doing with the movie, this can only be good news.
Posted 03:24pm 27/5/11
Don't forget that david russell is a huge a****** who treats everyone like crap, which is a more likely reason for the split

yer i remember reading that during the making of three kings, clooney had a real go at him because of the way he was treating everyone.
Posted 04:53pm 27/5/11
Hopefully they actually cast well this time (ie: Nathan Fillion for Drake)
Posted 02:39pm 28/5/11
Erm.. Nathan Fillion??

The original voice actors for the games look exactly like the games characters and should be used in the movie.
Nolan North - Nathan Drake -
Emily Rose - Elena Fisher -
Richard McGonagle - Victor Sullivan

Whys Dave Russel such a d***? Not like his line up of movies is anything to boast about.
Posted 09:40am 28/5/11
it was a stupid idea for a movie anyway.

uncharted is like an interactive movie so why would I pay to see a standard movie version?
Posted 02:00pm 28/5/11
The original voice actors for the games look exactly like the games characters and should be used in the movie.
There's probably a reason they are voice actors.
Posted 02:38pm 28/5/11
There's probably a reason they are voice actors.

They are not just voice actors. If you bothered to click on the link I posted you'd know this.
Posted 03:12pm 28/5/11
You mean the link showing hundreds of voice acting credits and a few minor soapie roles?
Posted 03:54pm 28/5/11
What are you on about?

Emily & Richard have been in tonnes of acting roles. Nolans had alot of voice acting roles.
Posted 04:01pm 28/5/11
Ok then the actors you list would be cast in the SyFy or straight to dvd version of uncharted, they are not Mark Wahlberg or Robert De Niro level actors that would go in a mid to big budget cinema release movie.
Posted 04:05pm 28/5/11
Yeah, I still want Nathan Fillion as Drake, amd Bruce Campbell as sully!
Posted 04:14pm 28/5/11
Ok then the actors you list would be cast in the SyFy or straight to dvd version of uncharted, they are not Mark Wahlberg or Robert De Niro level actors that would go in a mid to big budget cinema release movie.

You are entitled to your retarded opinion

Bruce as Sully would be interesting
Posted 04:17pm 28/5/11
If it was an animated movie, sure, use the voice actors from the game, but just cos they're the voice of the character doesn't mean its going to translate well into acting the character, so yeah, I'm not too sure about that.

Not that Nathan Fillion or Bruce Campbell are high profile actors either, and I honestly doubt that would happen, but imo they'd do much better jobs than people who are primarily voice actors and it would make for an awesome movie to watch with those two.

Edit: Oh, I thought it was me you were calling retarded
Posted 04:28pm 28/5/11
Directors make the movie.
There'd be only a handful of great actors that can actually make a s*** movie good.

Its like saying Kyle Reese(Michael Biehn) or an Unknown Arnie will ruin terminator 1. It didnt.
Im guessin David Russel needs top actors in his movies or nobody would bother seeing them. When I first heard of Mark Walhberg though I thought that would be alright. Just that the voice actors in the game have alot of experience in both acting and voice overs and look exaclty the same as the game charactors. Bring in a decent director instead of changing the characters.
Posted 02:10pm 31/5/11
This could be like an indiana jones movie. It'll be awesome! Should definitely recreate the game as a movie
Posted 02:29pm 31/5/11
marky mark has dropped out too. woot!
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