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Post by Steve Farrelly @ 12:20pm 22/03/11 | 31 Comments
In case you missed it, has the skinny on the multiplayer component (courtesy of some OXM scans) to Duke Nukem Forever, the game that was saved by Gearbox Software.

While what we have are only print-magazines scans, they still disclose the first details on the (Xbox 360 version) game's multiplayer, which will apparently offer up eight players maximum at any one time in four vs four teamplay modes. There are four gameplay modes in total which include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Hail to the King (capture the hill) and Capture the Babe (CTF). There'll be 10 maps at launch (meaning more to come in DLC) and in Capture the Babe, you'll have to "smack" the babe periodically to keep her quiet.

These details lack any mention of co-operative campaign play, a feature that was much-loved back in Duke Nukem 3D, so it's pretty safe to assume that it's not happening in Forever.

While a formal announcement has yet to come out of 2K or Gearbox, given that the Xbox 360 version is reportedly restricted to 8 players, it's also a reasonable assumption that the game won't offer any form of dedicated server support.

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Latest Comments
Posted 12:32pm 22/3/11
Since when did Duke smack up the b******? He paid them and told them to shake it, but smacking?
Posted 12:52pm 22/3/11
no co-op is a bit of a let down
Reverend Evil
Posted 12:55pm 22/3/11
Be interested to see what score you guys give it. The latest Atomic mag gave it 70% and a very average review.
Posted 01:04pm 22/3/11
but it isn't out yet rev
Reverend Evil
Posted 01:23pm 22/3/11
Stuffs me how they reviewed it then. But it's in there over three pages.

EDIT: Ok, just skimming thru it again. It was some sort of media event 2K Games and Gearbox put on in Las Vegas. The game was running on an Xbox.
Steve Farrelly
Posted 01:29pm 22/3/11
yeah, a few of my buddies were at that event and played it... *cough*
Posted 01:30pm 22/3/11
Capture the Babe sounds awesome. :P
Posted 01:36pm 22/3/11
No surprise about no Co-Op as most games don't really seem to have that anymore. It's been left on the side of the road at the same place they booted health meters out of the car. Some of the best moments i've had in gaming was taking my PC round to my friends house and playing like Duke 3D and Quake 2 in hard co-op mode. I dunno after this long the game could give out blow-jobs and it still wouldn't live up to the hype and saga surrounding it's development.
Posted 01:45pm 22/3/11
I dont know about you DM but In my opinion CO-OP is becoming more available than ever before.

Looking forward to back handing the babe/flag
Posted 02:02pm 22/3/11
EDIT: Ok, just skimming thru it again. It was some sort of media event 2K Games and Gearbox put on in Las Vegas. The game was running on an Xbox.
That's pretty damn poor form if they gave the game a score after playing the vegas preview code.
Posted 02:05pm 22/3/11
So duke beats women now? Game seems like its trying just a little too hard to be offensive / controversial.
Steve Farrelly
Posted 02:06pm 22/3/11
I have a feeling it's more likely he'll be carrying the chick on his shoulder and when she makes a noise, you smack her bum
Posted 02:09pm 22/3/11
Ok, I guess that sounds more in character, for some reason I was imagining her following along behind him and then occasionally he turns around and backhands her to make her fall in line. Dunno why it went there in my head, I don't think that says anything good about me.
Posted 02:13pm 22/3/11
I read the atomic review too. I agree reviewing the preview code is a bit steep, however it's actually a good read.
from what I could tell their main gripe with it was the way a game like duke nukem needed to be approached, really needed to happen 10 years ago, as they "are trying to make a winning formula from last decade somehow work in this one" ( their words)
That and the dated looking graphics had them up in arms as well.
Posted 03:25pm 22/3/11
Dated graphics? Who gives a s***. I never listen to critic reviews anyway, they're all bulls*** about their opinion. Sept Ausgamers of course :P
Posted 03:29pm 22/3/11
Yeah they reviewed it on an xbox and they seemed to complain about the jaggies for the most part, which probably won't be a big deal on PC with some AA and whatnot.
Posted 03:37pm 22/3/11
DM Portal 2 will have a pretty well polished coop component by the looks of it and that other game starting with W people play is pretty much all about cooperative progression, so you probably are basing your view on a handful of rushed out and unfinished games or those console_x>pc>console_y>handheld ports
Posted 03:41pm 22/3/11
Khel have you ever noticed how SubZero beats down hard on Mileena?
Posted 03:43pm 22/3/11
I dont know about you DM but In my opinion CO-OP is becoming more available than ever before.

There seems to be a lack of old school run around and shoot the crap out of everything that moves type co-op, thankfully we have Serious Sam to fill that void. Alot of the co-op games these days tends to be focused around your team based cod/cs type game where you think about what your doing and use some sort of tactics. Sometimes it just more fun to switch your brain off.

It'll be interesting to see what mod support will be like, maybe someone will take co-op into their own hands.
Posted 03:56pm 22/3/11
I don't think you're looking hard enough tspec. Ps3 has a tonne of co-op games. Dead Nation or Uncharted for example
Posted 03:58pm 22/3/11
Mileena is a demon b**** though, violence against demon b****** is fine.
Posted 04:34pm 22/3/11
tspec, this is a good place to find out what games have what type of coop:
Posted 04:54pm 22/3/11
One way DNF could have redeemed the stupid development time was to come out with a multiplayer experience that was reminiscent of Duke Nukem 3D. I don't know if this sounds like it has it for me (and not just because there's no mention about whether its client/server or p2p); the "review" is really light on the details but one thing I was hoping to see was something along the lines of "it really captures the feel perfectly of those old-school Duke3d sessions", but it is IMO conspicuously absent.

I would like to think they're going to be showing special love to the PC community given the history of Duke so I'll hold out hope that they'll go the server route and there'll be more impact when you're playing this thing on PC (the fact that they would announce the MP details from an Xbox 360 demo of the game certainly does not fill me with glee though).
Posted 05:00pm 22/3/11
4vs4 is a bit of a joke :/

needs atleast 12-14player total
Posted 06:41pm 22/3/11
Be interested to see what score you guys give it. The latest Atomic mag gave it 70% and a very average review.

PCPP gave it 99% in its 1999(?) review, it must be good.
Posted 01:41am 23/3/11
Babe slapping in Duke Nukem: Gearbox head clarifies strength of gesture, anatomical target

“Get it right, folks! In the DNF MP game “Capture the Babe”, Duke can give the girl a love smack on the booty – not face!”

This is clearly acceptable behaviour. :P
Posted 01:46am 23/3/11
You missed what they followed that line with in regards to the booty smacking:

That still strikes us as creepy.

Seriously, what wierdo doesnt like giving his girl a slap on the ass? Thats about as lame as not coping some boob while shes trying to sleep.
Posted 01:59am 23/3/11
the married kind of weirdo
Posted 02:08am 23/3/11
the married kind of weirdo

Unless your missus has gotten fat or your testosterone has gone to s***, i dont see why thats an excuse.
Posted 08:25pm 23/3/11
That's pretty damn poor form if they gave the game a score after playing the vegas preview code.
...what? Sounds like same s***** Atomic reviewing I recall from years ago Dan?
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