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David Hicks, the Aussie Taliban
Brisbane, Queensland
4406 posts
I just heard on TripleJ news that some Australian lawyer (hired by Hicks' father) is writing a letter to President Bush asking for the release of Hicks to Australian authorities. What do you guys think about this?
01:03pm 25/01/02 Permalink
01:03pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
789 posts
What do YOU think about this?
01:04pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
770 posts
i think he should be tried where he did the crime.
01:05pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1962 posts
I think David should be re-trained and 're-conditioned' to server as a grunt for America.
01:05pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7 posts
01:06pm 25/01/02 Permalink
SD Gundam
Brisbane, Queensland
830 posts
That guy has a nice father to still care for his son after what he did. Aren't the yanks going to give him back anyway?
01:07pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
782 posts
i'd be surprised if the US marines haven't beaten him to death...or shot him or something like that. Where he is, is probably the best place for him. In a confined prision camp with a bunch of gun-ho incredibly patriotic marines, good luck to him if he gets out alive or in one piece
01:07pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1833 posts
Treason should always result in death or imprisonment. There is no excuse for betraying one's country, no matter what the circumstances.
01:07pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4408 posts
Wtf, Saint turned this all around on me!@#!%

I'm with Ember, as far as I'm concerned he's a Taliban POW. Bummer that he's from Australia, but if he's fighting for another country, I think he should expect to get treated the same way as everyone else. I'm not sure why he's in America (hence this original post, I was trying to find out) - what is he going to be tried for?
01:08pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
771 posts
yay trog agress with me =P
01:10pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8 posts

damned trigger finger

He should face trial under Australian law. (then shipped to teh US for execution

Allowing the US to prosecute this guy sets a precedent for them to prosecute anyone, anywhere. Allowing the US to prosecute him, has far greater legal implications than most people understand.
01:11pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4410 posts
I suppose, the more that I think about it, the question is what is he being prosecuted for?

When does an Australian citizen not become an Australian citizen? imho, if you go and fight for an 'enemy', you might as well not be a citizen.
01:12pm 25/01/02 Permalink
5299 posts
On this I pretty much agree with you Hunter.... life imprisonment would be a good course of action... but then again, he prolly deserves the death penalty as much as anyone else, for what he did.
01:13pm 25/01/02 Permalink
SD Gundam
Brisbane, Queensland
833 posts
It's a bit like Breaker Morant (except he was a hero) wasn't he tried by the English?
01:15pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
61 posts
who what when?
whats a taliban?
01:16pm 25/01/02 Permalink
New South Wales
747 posts
Hmm I don't believe america should have him
If anyone it should be somehere in afghan or Australia.

Like trog brought up though, and I believe it too, if one is fighting for another country (against his own no less) then for all intents and purposes he is a citizen of that country, or alteast not ours.

I would actually like to find out what he ACTUALLY did though. Did he kill anyone? Did he kill aussies, was he actually under taliban regime? What? THe newspapers hype it too much.
01:18pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4411 posts
caliean, they sure do, I wonder if he ever even fired a shot.
01:19pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9 posts
It is illegal (up to 14 years max sentence)for an Australian Citizen to fight in the armed forces of a Government that is not recognised as the countries lawful government (ie: Taliban/Afghanistan)

He should be tried for that, here in Australia

An Australian citizen CAN enlist lawfully in any army in the world, provided that army is run by the countries lawful & recognised government
01:19pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1831 posts
Treason should always result in death or imprisonment. There is no excuse for betraying one's country, no matter what the circumstances.


01:21pm 25/01/02 Permalink
5301 posts
Yeah I too agree with Trog.... He is no longer an Australian anyway as far as I am concerned. He is being tried by America cos we are in treaty/alliance with them and they lead the attack on the Taliban. If you look at it, its basically The West against the Taliban, and with America being the self appointed leader of The West, they will try anyone found in treason against The West.... I guess thats their attitude anyway.
01:21pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
311 posts
my left armpit has more sweat
01:21pm 25/01/02 Permalink
New South Wales
748 posts
well guess that's what he did then. I wish the media would make atleast that part clear, instead of assuming he was a gun toting maniac.
01:22pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10 posts
I disagree,

Just because I was born in a country, I have to be loyal to it?

Whatif your country of birth is an immoral, evil regime?

BAH, loyalty is earnt, not part of your birthright
01:23pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1248 posts
He left Australia, so he should be trialed wherever he went to.
01:24pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
772 posts
then you do what everyone else does and hop on a boat and move countries
01:25pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
783 posts
under law i suppose he'd be considered a got paid by the enemy to fight against Australia etc... as far as i know mercenaries are not allowed a visa for entry to australia so he won't be coming back any time soon
01:27pm 25/01/02 Permalink
sweaty bum crack
Brisbane, Queensland
10 posts
If America is going to trial these people for terrorism, who is going to trial America for its blatant disregard for humman rights of contries that it has deemed illegal. Just ask anyone of PANAMA'S citizens what they thing of America.

When the Panama canal was built, the country was ruled by a dictator that was backed by the US, he died they had free elections after some 20+ years of oppression. Tank you for comming a democratically free society, the first thing they did was kick the US out.

Whos going to trial America for that, or Chiles Pinot, 30+ years of killing and torturing the people, and this guy was an allied of the US. Did BUSH not say if you side with these people you are indeed a terrorist yourself.

Goog ole Americian Justice in action.
01:27pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
909 posts
One's country? I sure as hell don't want to 'belong' to any country and i look forward to the day when people realize that physical boundaries defining one's self is as shallow as skin colour defining character!
01:28pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
138 posts
is osama bin laden dead yet?
01:30pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1251 posts
haha, mercenary? i didnt know we had laws for that, awesome.
01:31pm 25/01/02 Permalink
New South Wales
749 posts
A few questions I wouldn't mind answers for myself.

1) Was he over there before september 11th?
2) Did he go over to the taliban because of the war against terror?
3) Was it for religious reasons?
4) What exactly was he fighting for/against?
5) Who does he consider himself to aligned with?
6) What are his thoughts on september 11th?
&) Has he actually slayne anybody?
7) If so, who?, and to what side were they aligned?
8) Did he actually 'join' the taliban?
9) If so, what process with the taliban did he actually take part in?
10) Are there any other reasons for his actions the media seem to be dodging?
01:31pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
20 posts
Actualy under australian fedral law which includes treson he can be hung by the neck until dead, which i think they should do to him, i am hopeing to get a job at chogm as security and he was helping a goverment that qould just as quickly if they had a chance blow the thing up.
01:32pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
910 posts
It strikes me as a little odd that such a religious nutbunch such as the taleban could accept a foreigner into their army.
01:33pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1141 posts
actually, one of the main reasons that he's being tried, in america, is because he hasn't actually done anything wrong under australian law.

from what i know, he never actually fired a shot, or killed anyone in the "war". but he is being tried for conspiracy, because of the plane thingo.

as an australian, and to us, he hasn't actually done a thing wrong, so there is no real point in us having him, as he would be released.

imo, he should be tried in america, he fought for the side that was against them, and they are the ones who might of suffered from any action that he undertook. that and they will make sure he gets a punishment for being the stupid idiot he is.
01:34pm 25/01/02 Permalink
5305 posts
HERMITech - leave that country and find loyalty somewhere else. But Australia is not an evil oppressive country in any sense at all.. anyone who thinks it is, is the biggest moron in existance.

sweaty bum crack - get over it. Nothing America has ever done will ever compare to the s*** that the Middle Eastern countries do to their own people every day. And the fact that the US has done so many humanitarian campaigns at least makes up for that a little bit. Face it, all the countries are jealous of America and the power it has. If any of these other f*****g countries had the power AMerica has, the world would already be obliterated.
01:34pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11 posts
Don't get me wromg, I don't want to live anywhere else in the world. Australia rocks as a place to live. And so I'm loyal to this piece of dirt (more or less).

I guess I'm saying that treason is a matter of perspective. Think about this, Nelson Mandella & Sth Africa.... Was he guilty of treason by fighting against Apartheid(?) (an evil regime if ever was) government?

Hicks didn't betray Australia (selling government secrets etc), he broke a law by enlisting in an unlawful army (ie: Mercenary)

I'll agree that he's an idiot and the guilty of the above crime, however thats all that he is guilty of period.
01:35pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
784 posts
peacekeeper yeah a friend was serving in east timor, when the UN peacekeeping (heh) force came in they asked if he wanted to stay on and be contracted to them, he was infored that if he did that then he'd be considered a "hired gun" and be denined entry to Australia and not be allowed to serve in the Australian army
01:36pm 25/01/02 Permalink
New South Wales
750 posts
is osama bin laden dead yet?

Some theorize that he is dead. He apparently had a kidney problem or something. Infact shipped over two medical machines, one for his people the other for private use.

With all the hospitals and stuff blocked/destroyed some assume that he has not been able to get the medical attention he deserves and is infact dead.
01:36pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1552 posts
treason is the only offence for which you can still reveive capital punishment in australia, sounds good to me
01:38pm 25/01/02 Permalink
SD Gundam
Brisbane, Queensland
835 posts
Actualy under australian fedral law which includes treson he can be hung by the neck until dead,
That's probably one of those old laws they can't be bother changing cause it never gets used.
01:39pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
139 posts
I hate it when someone like Osama Bin Laden gets off easy for waht he did.

He desereves the most painful death. Ie Crucifixion
01:40pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
12 posts
actually, one of the main reasons that he's being tried, in america, is because he hasn't actually done anything wrong under australian law.


He did break Australian law.
By enlisting in the unlawful miltary forces of a government not recognised as the lawful government of a country.

For that, he can be sentenced under Australian law for up to 14 years imprisonment

01:41pm 25/01/02 Permalink
New South Wales
751 posts
He desereves the most painful death. Ie Crucifixion

oh, there is much worse then that.

Speaking realistically here for a sec, that would jstu amke him a martyr for his people.
01:42pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
140 posts
What is worse ?
01:45pm 25/01/02 Permalink
SD Gundam
Brisbane, Queensland
838 posts
01:46pm 25/01/02 Permalink
New South Wales
752 posts
Depends if you want fast or slow deah.
01:46pm 25/01/02 Permalink
sweaty bum crack
Brisbane, Queensland
11 posts
AnaRot you have no idea, if you think America is the shining white night of justice, you had better pull ya head out. YES the september 11 is a terible travisty, but did America give a s*** about terrorism in the middle east, Israli - Palestine conflict, f*** no, we're making to much money selling weapons and s***. Beside they f***** started it by siding with the PLO and suppling munitions for the 196? war.

Osama was sponsered by US in the war against USSR, the whole truth will never be known. Those caves that the taliban use were built with US money, their weapons supplied by the US. Probably their traing as well, we'll never know the truth.

And no I will not get over America and their 2 faced f***** righteousness. Go the UN.
01:46pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
968 posts
I think David should be re-trained and 're-conditioned' to server as a grunt for America.

imo, he should be tried in america, he fought for the side that was against them, and they are the ones who might of suffered from any action that he undertook. that and they will make sure he gets a punishment for being the stupid idiot he is.

Nah, in fat I think if the US government in any way seeks to choose his punishment we should go nuts. Hes still an Australian citizen, and as such should be bought back here, tried for treason, and if possible, executed... As far as im aware, Treason is one of the only things that can still get a person executed here (along with Mutiny, I believe?), can anyone confirm this?
01:47pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
21 posts
Gundam thats more then likely altho i like the idea

Boxhead that is complete BS about a hired gun, my cousin and my uncle both joined the un peace keepers in east timor they are now back and still serveing in the australian army.

Cailean i sure as hell hope he is dead i prefer to keep my parts in one peice if i get this job.

01:47pm 25/01/02 Permalink
SD Gundam
Brisbane, Queensland
839 posts
It'ss better for him to just disapear for the marty factor, then there's no real proof that the US did it.
01:48pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
13 posts
The perfect punishment for Bin Laden woud be to force a sex change upon him and make him live as a woman under Taliban rule...

That's justice if you ask me
01:48pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
22 posts
not sure about mutiny but treson sure as hell can be hung for
01:49pm 25/01/02 Permalink
5310 posts
Yeah... its better to kill him silently so none of his stupid idealistic violent followers really realise he is dead. Its much like the guy in Spy Games, make it look natural, so as not to cause huge repurcussions.... or take the American stance this time and attempt to destroy his whole army...
01:49pm 25/01/02 Permalink
New South Wales
753 posts
I seriously doubt the US could capture him alive if they tried. Unless his people really wanted him to stay alive.
01:50pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
23 posts
no no the best justice would be to stick him in prison in america with no trial shareing a cell with a big guy called bubba
01:50pm 25/01/02 Permalink
5312 posts
AnaRot you have no idea, if you think America is the shining white night of justice, you had better pull ya head out. YES the september 11 is a terible travisty, but did America give a s*** about terrorism in the middle east, Israli - Palestine conflict, f*** no, we're making to much money selling weapons and s***. Beside they f***** started it by siding with the PLO and suppling munitions for the 196? war.

Osama was sponsered by US in the war against USSR, the whole truth will never be known. Those caves that the taliban use were built with US money, their weapons supplied by the US. Probably their traing as well, we'll never know the truth.

And no I will not get over America and their 2 faced f***** righteousness. Go the UN.

Hahaha here we go Mr Conspiracy theory.... go play with Hunter, you two idiots would have a great time!!

The UN??? Hahahahahaaha... they are the most useless organisation in the world. Our pitiful little Australian Army (though it was supposedly a UN force) achieved more by itself in East Timor than the UN has achieved since its inseption. Its f*****g useless, too much red tape and beaurocratic control to ever be effective.

America DID give a s*** about conflict in the Middle East, that is the WHOLE REASON that Bin Laden etc are pissed off, cos America stuck their hands in where apparently they didn't belong (at least thats the terrorists belief). Maybe you should watch CNN and Foreign Correspondent instead of reading conspiracy websites all the time....
01:55pm 25/01/02 Permalink
New South Wales
754 posts
I wouldn't call CNN the top of the news. Nothing against them personally, but they are american and carry a certain bias along with it.
01:57pm 25/01/02 Permalink
5313 posts
The perfect punishment for Bin Laden woud be to force a sex change upon him and make him live as a woman under Taliban rule...

That's justice if you ask me

You are 200% correct there. The way they treat their women is far worse than he'd ever get in most of the world's prisons.
01:57pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
617 posts
he is just some nutcase who likes war...lock him up for the rest of his life
02:00pm 25/01/02 Permalink
5317 posts
Cailean - I realise that, but they inform you of world events pretty reliably.. and pictures can only lie so much.... Of course nothing is really ever objective, but stuff like Foreign Correspondent is far more reliably objective and informed than some idiot making up conspiracy theories.
02:03pm 25/01/02 Permalink
New South Wales
756 posts
Yeh conspiracy theories are sort of a 'meh' subject.

Thing with conspriacy theories is there is nothing really to prove them wrong.
02:04pm 25/01/02 Permalink
5320 posts
Apart from intelligent thought and common sense. Oh, and also, a more objective less idealistic view, bigger picture, and putting things in perspective help to dispell crap like that or at least to balance it out. Its written by the ever-stupid minority groups of course....
02:09pm 25/01/02 Permalink
New South Wales
757 posts
Haha, ok point proven :)

Still, they are *technically* possible. Putting intelligence aside.

Anyway of to watch 'Enemy at the gates".
02:14pm 25/01/02 Permalink
5324 posts
Hehe ok.... I guess you're right there :)
02:24pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
973 posts
Anyway of to watch 'Enemy at the gates".

Dont do it to yourself!! Your a young man and still have so much ahead of you!!!
02:27pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
113 posts
I think that by fighthing for the taliban, he has effectively given up his australian citizenship. He is no longer an australian, so he can be punished the same all all the other taliban POWs under US law.

Futhermore,if he is ever let out of prison, he should never be allowed to return home.

He turned his back on Australia, it's only fair that Australia does the same to him.
02:31pm 25/01/02 Permalink
sweaty bum crack
Brisbane, Queensland
12 posts
* N U K E D *

By Tung
03:20pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
9 posts
Just a small point, they are not being held as POWs and US (as well as international) law is being ignored. Hicks cannot be tried here because he has allready been illegally questioned by US and Australian authorities and denied access to any form of legal representation, which would mean any trial here or in the US would be thrown out of court.

Here is a link for more info:

Also the book Animal Farm would be a good reference point for this - the line between the pigs and the humans is being blurred mightily ;-)
03:34pm 25/01/02 Permalink
New South Wales
758 posts
Enemy at the gates

Hmmm... Great movie, and infact I am a complete sucker for war movies.. however beneather the great scenery and intriguing plot, there is a very cliched love story going on.
04:52pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
863 posts
So many issues :)

It is known that the Taliban was armed and supported by the US against the russians. That is not conspiracy. The Tora-Bora fortress/caves was made with CIA money and support, that is not conspiracy the major press referred to it constantly as an American built facility used by the Taliban against the Russians.

George Bush Jnr provided FUNDING (US$45Million), just last year, to the Taliban to thank them for stopping opium production (For 1.5 years the Taliban had a no-poppy-growing law, which is why Australia's heroin supply has dried up so much. Mind you, that left the Northern Alliance as the biggest produces of heroin in the world).

If David Hicks is declared a POW he would have to be repartriated with his country once the 'war' ends. He can not be tried for his crimes. He hasn't done anything wrong IF HE IS A POW. That's why America is legalese-ing this and doesn't want to call the people being held in cuba POWs - it gives them rights the US doesn't want them to have.

For David Hicks to commit treason, I believe Australia would have had to have declared war on afgahnistan, we didn't. He was just in the armed services of another country. Skippy-Australians go do their time in the Greek defense force so they aren't considered desserters, and I believe it's the same with many Isreali-Australians. Doubt he had Afgahnii citizenship though :) or that Australia allows dual Australian-Afgahnistii citizenship.

Whenever australians are accused of committing crimes in other countries australia helps them out.

Whenever they are found guilty of committing crimes in other countries australia petitions the government of that country to have them serve their time in australia.

If the death penalty is involved australia makes a huge deal about how barbaric it is, and begs for them to be brought back to australia to serve a life sentence instead.

That happens no matter whether the australians involved are (now) convicted rapist, murderers, peadophiles, spies, drug traffickers, or preachers of christianity.
04:55pm 25/01/02 Permalink
5330 posts
The UN is useless cause we did all the work in Timor, um we were representing the UN.

Ok, thanks for proving you're an idiot. You didn't read my post, so your reply is invalid. I said that in my post you fool. Australia's Army isn't a UN force though is it you idiot. We REPRESENTED them, we are not them... The UN is useless and everyone knows it.
05:12pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
315 posts

Hes still an Australian citizen, and as such should be bought back here, tried for treason, and if possible, executed

if you broke US laws , you would be tried in the US not sent back to australia, why is this any different?
05:18pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
665 posts
you'll find america was in the wrong in the battle over jordan, considering that israel made the move to try and take over the land area, thus declaring war, palestine ended up seizing control of not only the disputed area, but some parts of israel as well, which is perfectly valid under war, at which point israel went crying to the US who took the wrong side and ended up making a f***up of the situation there.
05:51pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
666 posts
also, hicks fought not as a hired merc, but as a taliban soldier, whether he believed in the cause or not, thats what he claimed.

now, he has commited treason not only against austalia, but against its allies, which if i remember rightly is punishable by the country against whom he treasoned against, in this case, the USA

whihc is an offense punishable by lethal injection
05:52pm 25/01/02 Permalink
SD Gundam
Brisbane, Queensland
840 posts
he is just some nutcase who likes war...lock him up for the rest of his life
IIRC Al'Queda bombed some US building for locking up one of their leaders what do you think they'll do I they lock up Bin Laden. It's better for him to just dissapper so people think he's posibly still alive.
10:20pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
24 posts
I think our punishment is better, hang hte bastad lethal injection don't hurt hanging does
11:30pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1518 posts
i dont see why ppl hate him so much.
11:31pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
25 posts
i don't hate him i think he should be charged with treson but with out personaly knowing him i can't hate him as long as he pays for his crime, and i know some ppl say he did not commit a crime here i personaly think he did since we were allied in this war, for some reson ppl think america is god allah and budda all rolled into one. its not its just as bad as anyone else around, but this person hicks commited an act of treson against australia, he fought for the other side in the conflict becuase supposedly he got turned down to join the army here, i have been denied 3 times already u see me running off to join someone to fight against australia. No, what he did is an act of treson against australia.
11:39pm 25/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1521 posts
well i think he needs theropy more then anything, what makes him go off and fight for the other side, what makes him hungry for war. we would get more use from this then we would from hanging him
11:45pm 25/01/02 Permalink
SD Gundam
Brisbane, Queensland
844 posts
He could have just joined the foreign legion if he wanted to join an army.
11:56pm 25/01/02 Permalink
433 posts
i hate everywhere, and everything. (not raging hate, i just don't like any of it).

therefore i refuse to accept that i am australian, except for the legal attribute which i require to live here.

it's the old term - i don't hate one, i hate everything equally.
01:50pm 26/01/02 Permalink
5362 posts
But last night you screamed that you loved me!!!!
02:01pm 26/01/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
102 posts
he should be punished accordingly, i dont have anything agiainst the guy, but if he wishes to fight for them, then he should be treated like them, as a be it
02:25pm 26/01/02 Permalink
438 posts
anarot - really, you say that to ALL the guys on this forum! how is one to believe you?
02:26pm 26/01/02 Permalink
5366 posts
You're different... your sig is actually cool!!
03:53pm 26/01/02 Permalink
443 posts
anarot, flattery will get you everywhere
04:23pm 26/01/02 Permalink
5383 posts
*growlz like a tiger*
08:02pm 26/01/02 Permalink
08:02pm 26/01/02 Permalink
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