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Nintendo 3DS Launch
Brisbane, Queensland
1968 posts
Surprised there was no existing thread, launch is this Thursday. Who is getting one?

I have my pre-ordered JB-hifi console+lame starter kit + SSF4, planning on trying to get them to price match kmarts $288 price when I pick it up.

09:35pm 29/03/11 Permalink
09:35pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
12364 posts

let us know if you experience the black screen of death.
09:36pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1969 posts
Apparently BSOD is fixed with the software update. Didn't kill the console anyway, just interrupted the fun.
09:40pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6474 posts
Yeah, I'm getting one. I was kind of hoping JB were doing a midnight launch, but it doesn't look like they are. That means I have to wait until I get home from work the following day. :(
09:41pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
9490 posts
Let us know how you enjoy the regioning.
09:45pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2603 posts
Yeah i'll prolly get one. I don't need one and the only game i'm really looking forward to is Legend of Zelda, but i'll prolly end up getting SSF4 and Shadow Wars or whatever that ghost recon game is.

EDIT - I'm wondering if most stocks are already sold out. JB shop online says they wont have any for 3 - 4 weeks after launch day, EB says they are almost out, can't even get one on game it seems. Eh oh well. Zelda won't be out till june it says on EB so i'll get one then. Rather save for my PC anyway really.

last edited by DM at 21:50:28 29/Mar/11
09:46pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
3092 posts
Guess mine will turn up in the mail on Thursday or Friday. I never had a problem with regioning on my DSi so I don't anticipate I'll have any trouble with regioning on the 3DS since I don't buy any games from Japan or the US. Kinda sucks you've gotta get it connected to the net to fix an out of the box problem, it'll catch a lot of people out that don't follow the interweb news.
09:56pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1970 posts
Yeah I pre-ordered mine on monday morning, the girl who served me said the volume of pre-orders had increased drastically since Friday. Media is reporting that like the wii it will sell out, even though the stock levels aren't as s*** as they were with the wii... Apparently the pre-orders have breached a new record or some s***.

Let us know how you enjoy the regioning.

I don't see it as a problem, But ok.
09:57pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Hobart, Tasmania
3045 posts
Played Lego Star Wars III on a 3DS the other day. Graphically they're quite a bit nicer than the DS, although LSW isn't a good candidate for the 3D effect - I could see the depth being added when I moved the slider up, but it really wasn't that impressive.

I'll hold off until there's a few more titles around (ie. Zelda & Mario Kart). Have been burnt by launch day Nintendo consoles too many times in the past.
10:00pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2604 posts
I'd like to know when the last nintendo console launch was, that didn't have a mario or zelda game ready. Has there ever been one?
10:03pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
3093 posts
Nintendo Wii had Zelda Twilight Princess, N64 had Mario 64. Pretty sure the DS also had Mario 64 DS.
10:05pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6475 posts
Let us know how you enjoy the regioning.

Anyone who's smart buys their games from OzGameShop, so it shouldn't be an issue.
10:15pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1219 posts
Getting mine from JB-Hi Fi, ordered online so presume it will come Friday hopefully. Can't wait, gonna be f*****g awesome with the AR simulation. My girlfriend wants to take it into uni and show her class the AR, as they were discussing it in an IT class.
10:19pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5731 posts
I'd like to know when the last nintendo console launch was, that didn't have a mario or zelda game ready. Has there ever been one?
10:45pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1971 posts
Didn't gc have sunshine or that luigi game.
10:54pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6477 posts
I'd like to know when the last nintendo console launch was, that didn't have a mario or zelda game ready. Has there ever been one?

I don't think anything except the Wii has had a Zelda game at launch.

Gamecube had Luigi's Mansion, not really a proper Mario game.
11:33pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
16101 posts
And the Zelda game that the Wii had was a gamecube port anyway
11:53pm 29/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2605 posts
Aw man i'm so on the fence about this. Do I adopt early and play SSF4 into the ground? Or do I wait a few months for more games to come out? I have until Thursday to decide. Eventually i'd want one because of new Zelda, Kid Icarus and no doubt an eventual Metroid game.

Guess I could always finish my Pokemon White game on it since i'm only just now entering Twist Mountain.
12:02am 30/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6479 posts
Yeah, the launch lineup is pretty terrible, but I got one because I knew I would eventually anyway, and the pre-order prices are pretty good. Figured I may as well.
12:06am 30/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1288 posts
I'd rather play PC games.
12:42am 30/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1358 posts
For those who get the catch of the day emails, COTD are selling them at $199 tomorrow.
10:27am 30/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6481 posts
I'd rather play PC games.

Yeah, it's unfortunate that I can't play PC games ever again now that I've bought a 3DS/console. Because we all know that you can't enjoy games on multiple platforms, and have to limit yourself to just the one.
11:00am 30/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1973 posts
Hang on, if I buy a 3DS I wont be able to play pc games, oh noes. Canceling pre-order!
11:04am 30/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
16104 posts
I heard if you buy a 3DS, nintendo comes round to your house and steals your PC
11:08am 30/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6482 posts
It's not stealing, it's their by right. You have a 3DS, you're no longer allowed to have a PC.
11:12am 30/03/11 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
842 posts
My PC can't do 3D anyway, they can have it.
11:15am 30/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1223 posts
I heard everytime you buy a 3DS, a parrot gets strapped to a windshield wiper.
11:17am 30/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2607 posts
In that case I would say parrots are about to take a huge it to their population numbers. 3DS will likely be sold out everywhere tomorrow. Just hoping I can find one, but I am going up to kmart at around 10pm so yeah should be ok I hope.
11:25am 30/03/11 Permalink
Tim Tibbetts
Brisbane, Queensland
2524 posts
My preorder from D****mith has apparently shipped so I should get that tomorrow.
11:28am 30/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
16105 posts
Yeah, I've been away the past week, only just getting home tonight, so hopefully I can find one :(

Was thinking of going to that big midnight launch at the EB on Swanston st, but I dunno if they'll be sold out, and I dunno if I want to pay EB prices.
12:26pm 30/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6483 posts
Is it too late to pre-order at JB Hi-Fi?
12:41pm 30/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
16106 posts
Don't know, they're completely sold out on the website and wont be getting anymore for 3 - 4 weeks, I dunno how the separate stores are faring though.
12:51pm 30/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1226 posts
They are still taking pre-orders at certain stores. I just got a email from them saying they're ready to ship, but apparently don't have enough dosh in the bank this minute! NOOOOO. At least they don't out right cancel your account.
12:54pm 30/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1974 posts
Jbhifi in the bcd (mcarthur) still have pre-orders available.
02:59pm 30/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2610 posts
Target are offering what seems to be the 3DS system, a carry case for it + rayman, ghost recon or rabbids for $340. If you wanted to pick up ghost recon to begin with thats a rather ok deal if you ask me. $55 for all the other games according to their online catalogue.
03:24pm 30/03/11 Permalink
lewd scoff
Brisbane, Queensland
1558 posts
im still with the dioramic 3d fail crowd.
you dont tie up packages with silly string.......
sounds very gimicky
03:39pm 30/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1975 posts
The correct term is parallax barrier, the 2010 range rover has it in the gps system, so driver sees gps, passenger sees movie.

From what I've read the tech is going to become far more common.

It's downfall is that it requires a sweet spot for viewing, however the range of that spot can differ depending on someones quality of vision.
04:25pm 30/03/11 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
280 posts
Preordered from EB, god I feel so dirty.
05:11pm 30/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
16112 posts
Just got back from the midnight launch at the EB games on swanston st (I think it was meant to be like the "official" one for australia). It was HUGE, I've never seen that many people at a launch before. The EB games on swanston st is big, like really big, two stories big. And it was chock full of people. I ended up out on the street cos it was just too crowded inside and there was no room to move around.

Yes, I sold my soul and bought one from EB as well, I'm sure I'll pay for it in whatever afterlife awaits me. I had a late flight back to melbourne though and wasn't going to get to JB before they closed, so I rang EB earlier in the day and begged them to hold one for me. I must have been convincing (or so desperate they took pity on me) because they held one for me without me even putting a deposit down.

It wasn't toooooo bad in the end, $380 for the console plus a game (Tom Clancy's shadow wars). Certainly not the cheapest price around, but when you consider the console plus a game at JB is about $350 or $360, not too horribly expensive either. Plus, I really wanted to get it tonight, so I figured it was worth a couple more dollars.

Picked up streetfighter and ridge racer for it as well, but Pilotwings isn't out yet, its been delayed and comes out in two weeks.
12:59am 31/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
5176 posts
On hype alone, if there were some games that interested me I might have looked at getting one. Once a new Zelda game comes out, maybe I'll shell out... but for now it's only Lego Star Wars that I had any interest in.
08:59am 31/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6489 posts
Just got mine from JB. It's a pretty nice looking device. I ordered my games from OzGameShop though, so only have my old DS games to play on it.

The AR stuff is really cool though, and I like that it seems to multitask the applications on it. The 3D effect is pretty good too. I used a 3D camera in Japan last year that had a glasses-free screen on the back for viewing the photos, but it could be a bit messy to look at sometimes. The effect on the 3DS is much better though. Very clear.
10:57am 31/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2615 posts
I got my system from The Good Guys for $349 + SSF4 game. Loving the 3D and really cant get over how great it is. Not tried SSF4 yet but planning to after I stomp around with some AR games.
11:30am 31/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1234 posts
Ohhhhh, I have to wait until mine gets delivered either today or friday. Damn you Sydney based warehouses!!!
11:36am 31/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
16120 posts
That face raiders game is a little disturbing. I put my face in it, and when it scanned me it decided I as female :( So it stuck my face on these pink enemies that would fly at the screen and try and kiss me. Very disturbing.
12:49pm 31/03/11 Permalink
AGN Admin
Brisbane, Queensland
33348 posts

You can buy them now online from retailers like D*** Smith in aqua blue or cosmos black - $348 including free delivery.
12:54pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
283 posts
wow, the 3d is heaps better than I thought it would be, although I can't tell if that nausea Im feeling now is just a hangover.
12:59pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1976 posts
Enjoying street fighter and the ar game sooo much.
01:11pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
284 posts
we need to start swapping friend codes and whatnot, id be keen for some sf4 multiplayer
01:14pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
3095 posts
Mine arrived in the mail at home this morning, $298 delivered with a game included. It's been a fairly long wait so far to get home today. Planning to go to JB tonight and grab SSFIV.
01:15pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
552 posts
Picking mine up today, hopefully it's worth it.
02:28pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
543 posts
Yeah I grabbed one with SF4 ... I can't wait till the start using the argcards in the games :P
03:31pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2616 posts
I'm wondering if it's considered noob/cheap to use the lite settings for SSF4 with the 2 special, 1 super and 1 ultra move bound into the touch pad. I really like this as it lets me play characters like Guile who I love but suck at due to the charge feature. Still trying to figure out what I should use.

I'm not used to that over-the-shoulder 3D type mode yet but it does seem cool. You miss a projectile and you see it shrink into the distance and looks awesome. I'm playing right now as I type this (well not really) and currently going 1-5 win lose against a medium-hard balrog as guile. Getting WHOOPED!

last edited by DM at 15:35:30 31/Mar/11
03:32pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
286 posts
I'm still not sure if 3d is here to stay, but this certainly feels better than wearing glasses at the cinema. The slider really helps.

My friend code is 2836-0113-0078 if anyone is up for some SSF4 or other shens
04:41pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
545 posts
Anyone looked at the R4 cards etc for 3DS? I want DK etc :)
05:00pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2618 posts
the 3DS reports back to nintendo on games/carts used if i'm not mistaken. I guess if you never plan on going online/restrict your 3DS forever to SP then you could get one when they come out.

EDIT - Juri's american voice is pretty hot, but knowing how these things go her voice actor is no doubt a total ham beast.

EDIT 2 - If you turn the DS on it's site while looking directly at the screen, the 3D stops. I dunno if it's some inbuilt thing or not but I wonder why that is. Looks perfectly normal as if you turned the effect off all together.

last edited by DM at 17:18:20 31/Mar/11
05:01pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
317 posts
Do you need the 'Nintendo Wifi' device to be able to play online?
06:32pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1977 posts
My Mini Review.

For $288 - $350 this is a great purchase, The 3D is fantastic, i can only speak for what i have seen in SS4 3D and in the AR Games and but it is amazing.

When i first turned it on, after 30minutes i had a huge headache, i popped a few nurofen and got back into it, after 2 hours i was sweet. My eyes can now tune in and out of the screen with ease. (however for some reason i feel it would be wrong to allow my 8 yr old to get it to it even though says not suitable for 7 and younger)

I f***ed around with the AR games for awhile, what a hoot, i shook the console for 30minutes to see how long it would take me to get my 10 Play Coins.. it takes 30minutes. Then i f***ed around with Friend Raiders.. which got a good laugh.

Everyone at work was impressed and thought it was an entertaining unit for the cost, and i agree, However i might not be able to stand by the statement unless some more decent titles come out.

Except for street fighter 3d none of the launch titles seemed that interesting, i was curious about Splinter Cell 3d, but read reviews and it turned me off it (apparently fixed camera that makes it hard to see anything and a few other lame issues)

Taking 3D pictures is also enjoyable, i took a picture of a co-worker sitting at his desk giving me the finger, and the depth of vision in the picture was fantastic, totes see that its 3D.

The street-pass works effectively, we used it amongst my co-workers and it grabbed there mii's and info rather quickly, took about 10seconds from memory, I also played around with the street pass mii games, they are novel, lack substance but make a mii channel far more interesting. Really it gives me a reason to make my Mii look interesting and gives me a reason to look at the channel.

After a day of use i wanted to test my ability to switch in and out of the 3d, (and i needed to get home) so i took it on public transport... a BCC Bus and flogged my way from the city to Carindale (very hilly) i bounced and boped around while playing street fighter, my eyes didn't ache and moving in and out of the 3d didn't bother me, most times i didn't even notice.

Street fighter is awesome, the interface of playing with buttons and switch to stylus was confusing at first, but after awhile i got use to it, now i play with stylus and switch to buttons. I played abit of multiplayer with a co-worker and we had a type street fighter blast. It looks nearly as good as it does on a console, bit more jaggy and obviously a lower res, but still wide-screen and the 3d effect gives an awesome depth feel that makes it feel like you are watching a miniature fight go on in side a small box.

I also ran a DS game to see how it looked and felt.. it felt like a DS game, due to the fact the 3DS has a wide screen there are black bars down the side, but it hardly effects the gameplay.

The battery woes don't bother me so much as i will have a charger at home and one at work, if i was to go on a flight or something like that i could see it being an issue, but for day to day use on public transport and in lunch breaks it wont bother me at all.

I really am looking forward to what game dev's do with the 3D and the touch screen interface and i look forward to spending more time playing with it.
07:26pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
16126 posts
Also, if you hook it up to the net and download the software update, you get a short 3d movie to watch.
08:34pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6491 posts
Do you need the 'Nintendo Wifi' device to be able to play online?

No, just a WiFi connection.
08:42pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1978 posts
Been playing quite abit online since i got home

I'm wondering if it's considered noob/cheap to use the lite settings for SSF4 with the 2 special, 1 super and 1 ultra move bound into the touch pad. I really like this as it lets me play characters like Guile who I love but suck at due to the charge feature. Still trying to figure out what I should use.

I belive this is how most people are playing online

I'm not used to that over-the-shoulder 3D type mode yet but it does seem cool. You miss a projectile and you see it shrink into the distance and looks awesome. I'm playing right now as I type this (well not really) and currently going 1-5 win lose against a medium-hard balrog as guile. Getting WHOOPED!

I didnt like it either, but i tried it online and its not bad, hard to judge distance for close up mele, though great for spaming special long distance moves.
09:19pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1241 posts
Anyone looked at the R4 cards etc for 3DS? I want DK etc :)

Apparently all DS games work with the new R4's, but you can't play 3DS games.
09:26pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2620 posts
Been trying to do some trials and all I can say is sweet jesus they are hard. Even simple tasks like standing M punch -> standing L punch is friggen hard. Then you get further in and they expect you to know all the move names (which is great when they are all in japanese) and that so isn't the mode for helping you get better. Still no idea who I want to play but i'm hovering between Makoto, Blanka, Ibuki or maybe Dee-jay.
09:26pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
287 posts
When i first turned it on, after 30minutes i had a huge headache, i popped a few nurofen and got back into it, after 2 hours i was sweet. My eyes can now tune in and out of the screen with ease.

This. There's a skill in being able to know how to look into the 3d screen. When I started out I could see lots of ghosts and got a bit nauseated, but after a while I had sussed it out - the ghosting was gone and I found it comfortable to look at. The slider really helps, different games need it at different levels. For SF I had it pretty low, but for Rayman I wanted it on full.
10:07pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
3096 posts
Played through Street Fighter once with 3D turned on, that was fine though I found the SF menu's a little hard to look at in 3d. The AR games (well, I've only played one so far) seemed better without 3d but maybe that's just me. D pad also sqeeks a fair bit when going at it in the SF matches but for me it's much easier to use than the joystick. Seems really strange to have combo moves buttons on the touchpad, feels like cheating.

Biggest thing I don't like about the 3DS though is the actually plastic used for the DS itself, I find that type of finish (iphone is the same) tends to get that greasy feel to it very easily, never had that with the DS or DSi. I'm hoping there's a thin rubber protector cover I can put over it, guess i'll have to look into it.
11:49pm 31/03/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
553 posts
Did anyone get screen protectors or any of that stuff? I noticed on a second hand ds lite I had before this if you held the console on an angle you would see marks where the stylus had touched the screen too hard or something.

Would anyone recommend getting a screen protector or anything? I've been playing Phantom Hourglass and it works a treat.
10:31am 01/04/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1251 posts
Did anyone get screen protectors or any of that stuff? I noticed on a second hand ds lite I had before this if you held the console on an angle you would see marks where the stylus had touched the screen too hard or something.

Would anyone recommend getting a screen protector or anything? I've been playing Phantom Hourglass and it works a treat.

JB's pre-order came with a starter pack which I presume has that stuff in it. Has anyone received their online pre-order yet via mail? I'm still waiting -_- And my order still says "On Order".
11:19am 01/04/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
3097 posts
For anyone interested, kotaku did an article recently on applying the screen protector to the 3DS.
11:57am 01/04/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6497 posts
The accessory pack that JB bundled with the pre-orders included screen protectors, but they just threw in the ones that were made for the DSi. They didn't even fit on the 3DS screen. The accessory pack was almost completely useless.
12:14pm 01/04/11 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
289 posts
I didnt bother with screen protectors on my lite. After 4 years of use you can see scratch marks if you hold it on the side, but I still dont notice them during play. I'm not gonna bother with any protectors for my 3ds (fingers crossed)
12:17pm 01/04/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6498 posts
Yeah, scratches were never a problem on my DS Lite. Hopefully the 3DS is as durable.
12:18pm 01/04/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1264 posts
Where is my 3DS!!! Damn you JB, respond to my emails!
12:59pm 01/04/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
554 posts
Yeah I guess i'll skip it then, the previous owner of my ds lite must have been heavy handed.
01:00pm 01/04/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1979 posts
My friend code, 2449-4642-3703
If you add me let me know so I can add you back.
01:18pm 01/04/11 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
290 posts
added you grog, my code is at the top of the page.
02:00pm 01/04/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1266 posts
02:34pm 01/04/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2627 posts
Saw this and loled hard. This thread is all about Mii QR codes which you scan into your system through the camera.

Barack Obama is in there as well. You can scan them in by going to Mii Creator, then going "QR Code/image options" and then "scan QR code"

last edited by DM at 12:59:29 02/Apr/11
12:57pm 02/04/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
5183 posts
I caved and bought one this morning. Target Knox had heaps of Blue ones left for 339 with Rayman, Rabbids or one other game (Ghost recon? something like that, buggered if I can remember).
Toys R Us Knox had heaps available for 299. This is as of about 1pm.
So if you know anyone in Eastern Melbourne struggling to find one, go here.

Currently going through the long setup process to get it on to the net.
02:54pm 02/04/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1983 posts
Get Street Fighter Raven, its the f*****g s***.
Shows off the 3D really well.

Rabbids is ok, grabbed that today cause i needed a title with some substance to play between matches SSFIV matches, 3d effect is not as good, Out of all the launch games, and i've seen or played most of them, SSFIV shows off the 3D the best.
06:18pm 02/04/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2628 posts
After some tinkering I noticed you can't use imported Mii's in your street pass game or whatever mode that is. Makes all these scanning Mii's in useless. Also in SSF4 i've been messing around with Hakan and noticed when he is oiled up he can charge his focus attack while moving which is rather funny I felt. Been using him in the trial mode and highest i've been able to get was Rose up to lv 17 (skipping 2 stages), and i've made it up to 20 with hakan. Think i'll main him as he seems awesome with lots of grab moves.

Anyway that aside I heard that Cave Story is coming to the 3DS. That is all kinds of awesome. Really loving this system and only hope some awesome RPGs come out for it. Oh and Monster Hunter Fiesta is the rumored new 3DS game which would make lose control of my bowels and rocket through the roof powered by a stream of poo.
06:29pm 02/04/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
5184 posts
I got SF4 and Rayman. Thinking I should have got Rabbits. :/
06:44pm 02/04/11 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
294 posts
Any 3d love yet Eorl?
07:09pm 02/04/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1985 posts
My guide to Street Passing around Brisbane CBD.

Central Station is awesome in the mornings between 8-9

Any major food court during lunch, i recommend the Myers food court near target and macdonalds/kfc, however i have been hit at just about every food court except for the s***** one near Harvey Norman.

The EB in the David Jones building, fat dude behind the counter has it, if he is working, you will get a hit.

The EB across from Show Girls, (TBH i dont know if it was the EB or Show Girls kekeke >_<) 2 staff members there have 3DS's which you can grab a hit from.

TimeZone on weekends, hang around the street fighter and tekken systems, outside boarders. (you can try this location during the week, but it all depends on the crowd)

Most Electronic stores in the CBD are a good place, loiter in the gaming sections.

Stand around the Hungry Jacks like an emo for awhile.

Central station around 5.

I find groups of school kids to be useless, most of them can't afford 3DS's this early on. Look for nerdy turds, fatties with sweat stains and ponytails are almost a given. Asians are your next best bet, especially those that hang around the nightowl near fat louies/timezone. Other then that any major public area is a good place to start.

I tried carindale tihs weekend and got nothing.
07:44pm 02/04/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
16149 posts
Geez, how much spare time do you have to do all this loitering?

But yeah, the streetpass is pretty rad, I think its something thats cooler though when you don't "game" it, like I just took my 3ds with me today into the city for the hell of it, walked around, went into a few shops, went and picked up new geek stuff from Mind games (new Grey Knights came out today for 40k, AWESOME). And then when I went to grill'd and had lunch I pulled out my 3ds and noticed it had picked up someone's mii on my wanderings, and I found that really cool. Like, just the randomness of it I find cool, it comes as a suprise when you're not trying to actively get hits and thats half the fun imo.
08:15pm 02/04/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
16150 posts
Oh, the other thing I'm wondering is how you set all the extra info that comes through on other people's Mii's. Like the one I got today, it had his name and favourite game and catchphrase and that standard stuff, but then it also had "Likes cats" and "Dreams of being a hero" and some other stuff. How do you set that other stuff? Or is that from games?
08:17pm 02/04/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1285 posts
Any 3d love yet Eorl?

Not yet :( But I got a confirmation it's shipped on Friday, so hopefully Monday. Did come with a tracking ID, but haven't checked to see if it's up yet.
08:43pm 02/04/11 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
295 posts
Bummer dude, that sucks, but still better than paying full price at EB.

I tried to get the guy to price match on JB, but he said we don't price match on pre-orders. When I asked him to match K-mart, he said that mine was a preorder and Kmart was launch price, so that didn't apply either. Chumps...
09:00pm 02/04/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
5185 posts
Man, online play in SF4 is utterly awesome.

Might have to try it tethered to an iPhone on the train on Monday, though I'm pretty sure the laggyness might annoy some people :P

I've just played 3 games where I couldn't notice any latency whatsoever, one game that was slightly laggy, but the last one was laggy as f***.
But yeah, really impressed.
09:09pm 02/04/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1986 posts
Khell, set that info in the Mii Plaza
06:39am 03/04/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
1133 posts
I'll buy my daughter one and then steal it from her if it's good
06:44am 03/04/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
5187 posts
I'll try it some time this week. Probably Thursday will be the first time I'll get the chance to take it on the train and through Melbourne Central station. I'll also take it to the State Library for lunch one day and see what happens, there's always s***loads of students (like 200-300) and the like hanging around there at any time.
09:49am 03/04/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1294 posts
Bummer dude, that sucks, but still better than paying full price at EB.

I tried to get the guy to price match on JB, but he said we don't price match on pre-orders. When I asked him to match K-mart, he said that mine was a preorder and Kmart was launch price, so that didn't apply either. Chumps...

Yeah EB are s*** when it comes to price matching. Either you have to have the price in a brochure or see some sign. They don't take internet prices for some reason I'm not to sure of :S
12:06pm 03/04/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
16152 posts
Khell, set that info in the Mii Plaza

Cool, found it, thanks :)

Played some streetfighter online last night, it feels so cheap using the touch screen for moves but it seems everyone else does it. I was playing a zangief guy and he was pulling off all the grabs and I got owned in the first round, so the second round I just stayed away from him and spammed fireballs (as akuma) and he just kept walking into them and never even blocked, so I'm guessing he was all touch screen and had no actual idea how to play the game at all.
12:35pm 03/04/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6499 posts
I just played some Street Fighter online (though I vowed to myself I wouldn't buy this game for a third time <_<), and I found it to be really laggy. I pretty much couldn't do anything without the touchscreen controls because there would always be a good half second of lag. I set it to always use the same region, but it didn't make a difference. Anyone else had this?
04:36pm 04/04/11 Permalink
Steve Farrelly
Sydney, New South Wales
3962 posts
Friend Code is: 3652-0512-1945
04:48pm 04/04/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1326 posts
Yew, finally got my 3DS. It's epic as. Not getting any headaches, and loving the unique 3D.
12:22am 06/04/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
16170 posts
More friend codes over in this thread Steve
12:13pm 06/04/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
16180 posts
Wow, I crashed my 3DS, it just went to a black screen that said "There has been an error, power off the system". Was playing Shadow Wars at the time, which is suprisingly awesome!
11:23pm 06/04/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6518 posts
I've read about that error screen. I haven't had it happen yet. I afree about Shadow Wars too. It's not the type of game I generally get into (Final Fantasy Tactics failed to hold my attention past the first couple of levels), but I'm quite enjoying it.

I just got Lego Star Wars III in the mail today. It's really cool, and looks fantastic. I also got Pokemon Black today, which I'm enjoying so far, though it's not really any different to other Pokemon games so far, and it isn't a 3DS title, so no 3D. :(
11:55pm 06/04/11 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
5210 posts
Gotta get around to adding the FCs people have listed here in the last few days.
Walked around the city (including going to The Nintendo Experience) last night, collected another dozen or so Miis via StreetPass. My plaza is filling up pretty quick, and I haven't even been to a train station this week yet.
08:46am 07/04/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
319 posts
I love the AR games, I was thinking how awesome a Yugioh or even a Pokemon card game will be!
I picked up Rabbids 3D which is alright, I'm still pumping through Pokemon White which is awesome, can't wait until Zelda 3D
08:50pm 07/04/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6524 posts
As much as I want the Ocarina of Time remake, I'd be more interested to hear about what new Zelda game they're working on for the system. I'd like something that plays more like Ocarina of Time/Wind Waker/Twilight Princess rather than the style Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks were done. I'm not interested in gimmicky use of the touchscreen. I guess they'll be less inclined to do that now that the 3D screen is at the top, which is where they'll want all the action to be happening.
09:34am 08/04/11 Permalink
09:34am 08/04/11 Permalink
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