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Summary: Quake 3 Paintball
Date: 10 Sep 01
Size: 69.1MB (72,436,725 bytes)
Downloads: 6906
Last Download: 178 days ago
Quake 3 Paintball


Initially, we are going to release the beta with the conventional run-and-pickup system. This means that you will run around the map, and pick up items and guns to use for that specific round. This was the system used in Q2DP. We are using this as our primary system to save coding time and to get something out to you guys who have been waiting for so long.

However, eventually we are going to offer a more realistic type of gameplay. The plan is going to be that you earn money from eliminating a team, or tagging an opponent. With which you can purchase guns, grenades, hoppers, and all the other necessary equipment that you would need to play in real life. This system will be similar to the one used in Counter-Strike for those of you who are familiar with it. Eventually, we are going to implement a system where you go to a sort of "Buy Station" or Hut in the map where you get a HUD to buy items, guns, camo, and anything else we can come up with!

As it stands now, you will only be able to carry one grenade, being a paint grenade or smoke, but not both at the same time. You also can carry only one gun at a time, and one hopper and barrel on your gun. Currently, the plan for the beta is you must pick up paint to supply your gun, then load it when you run out. Eventually, you will have to buy a pod, and carry only one pod with you on the field, which will supply you your extra ammo for the whole round, so shoot selectively! No more spray and pray to those of you who support it. This is also going to be implemented to slow down rounds and make the game more enjoyable. Not like HLPB... no offense...

In the beta you will spawn in the map and pick up all your stuff just like in Q2DP. When you are killed or tagged, where you go is still up in the air and I will keep you notified about that. Final plans include that you and your team don't necessarily spawn, you "enter" the playing field, and are immediately taken into a waiting area when you are tagged. This area may also include the buying staion and viewing areas for watching the remainder of the match.


** Q3Pball beta 01 **

Version: beta 01

Date Released: 8-30-01

File Size: Approximately 70mb

- To install Quake III Paintball beta 01, extract all of the files enclosed in the to your Quake III Arena directory
(example: c:\Program Files\Quake III Arena\).

- To play Q3Pball, you can do one of two things. The first option you have is to load Quake III Arena as normal, go to the mods section, and then proceed to load Q3Pball from the list of mods. The second option you have is to create a shortcut that will load straight up into Q3Pball. To do this, either edit an existing shortcut,
or create a new one. Here is an example of what the text boxes in the shortcut properties should be:
Target: "c:\program files\quake iii arena\quake3.exe" +set fs_game paintball
Start in: c:\program files\quake iii arena\
Provided within the is a Q3Pball icon, if you wish to use it in your shortcut.

Client side Variables:
- The following are local game variables that can be changed by the player from the console

cg_pball_splitPics (When set to 0, Q3 engine draws one HUD image and stretches it. This may cause blurring with some gl drivers : default is 1)
cg_pball_hudtype (Changes the HUD from new to old when set to 1 : default is 0) jail (This toggles whether or not to use the jails in certain maps. Maps that currently include jails are Arena, Mounds, and V3Pits. : default is off)

Server side variables:
- These are all of the variables that are paintball specific and are set by the server.

g_pball_respawntime (Sets the respawn time for players who have been marked : default is 60)
g_pball_mapvoting (Toggles map voting : default is 1)
g_pball_stamina (Toggles the use of accuracy bar: default is 1)
g_pball_gametype (Toggles the gametype. 1 is deathmatch/ffa and 4 is CTF. : default is 4)
g_pball_forceServerGametype (When set to 1, the map's default gametype is overwrote with the contents of the g_gametype cvar : default is 0)

Bind list:
- Below is what you can bind your keys to, and a short definition of them. If you do not like the current control configuration. To rebind a key, edit your autoexec.cfg in the /paintball directory and insert the key of your choice after the "bind" statement. (example: If the current bind is as follows: bind e "empty_co2" and you wish to empty your co2 with the r key, simply change it to bind r "empty_co2")

tossgren (Tosses grenade)
empty_co2 (Refills co2 with best one that you have)
dump (Refills hopper with paint that is is pod)
dropgun (Drops gun)
drophopper (Drops hopper)
dropbarrel (Drops barrel)
dropco2 (Drops co2)

Creating a dedicated server:
- For the creation of a dedicated internet server, execute the StrtDedNetSvr.bat file in your paintball directory. This will begin Q3 and load all of
the necessary server files.

- For the creation of a dedicated LAN server, execute the StrtDedLANSvr.bat file in your paintball directory. This will begin Q3 and load all of
the necessary server files.

-Q:How come when I load a map from the "Map test" screen, my map pretends like its loading, but then stops?
A:This is most likely because the /sv_pure "0" has been reset to /sv_pure "1". It must be set to "0" to test maps.
Also, check your autoexec.cfg and make sure that the "seta sv_pure '0'" line is still there.
There is also another reason easy to fix reason that a map will not load. This is because it does not contain an "info_playerstart" entity. This entity must be added into the map through Q3Radiant.

-Q:I cannot see my paint splats the walls or any other surface, and the console keeps scrolling "Addmarks is 0". Whats wrong?
A:This problem is easily fixed by going to Setup/Game Options/ and turning Marks On Walls to "On".

-Q:Why is my sky black? I know I put a sky there...
A:Another easy fix can be applied in this situation. Go to Setup/Game Options and turn High Quality Sky to "On".

-Q:What in the world are the controls for this game?
A:The default controls are as follows: mouse2 - toss grenade
e - reload co2
q - reload paintballs
1 - drops gun
2 - drops hopper
3 - drops barrel
4 - drops co2

-Q:How come when I hover my mouse over "Multiplayer" in the main menu, it says "Not Implemented" in the lower right corner?
A:This is only because at some point in time, we plan on coding in seperate server location, such as a servers.txt that is read from the web.

-Q:How come on my HUD, there are a bunch of little lines?
A:The reason your HUD has little lines on it is to prevent blurring with certain gl drivers. This is especially a problem with 3dfx drivers.
If you wish to not have lines on your screen, and want to test the ability of your gl drivers, at console type /cg_pball_splitpics 0. The default value is 1.

Contact: To contact the Q3Pball production team, connect to and join #q3pball.
To e-mail one of the Production Team leaders, go to and visit the "Team" section.

Questions/comments: Please e-mail or with all of your questions or comments.
MD5 Sum: acecf9d1a9641129601fd312bb7641ce
SHA1 Sum: 20ee889294930117b03b6eb0d6fee2e14f73588a