Though we'd wager that a Dead Space 3 remake would basically be a brand-new game. Dead Space 2 on the other hand, after what Motive pulled off with
the Dead Space remake, yes, please. Pretty please, with sugar on top. But, as per the headline EA might only be 'considering' the idea as it's asking players via a survey if they'd be interested in more Dead Space.
With the survey questions being standard survey stuff asking people to rate their interest in the idea of a Dead Space 2 remake in the style of the recent Dead Space. As spotted on Twitter.
If you're the recipient of such a survey be sure to tick the "Extremely Interested" box for Dead Space 2. We're not sure if choosing "Very interested" over "Extremely interested" might sour EA on the idea of more Dead Space, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
EA Motive is currently working on a single-player Iron Man game in collaboration with Marvel, but the team responsible for the Dead Space remake has stated that it is open to the idea of making more.
Plus, they're huge fans of the franchise - so here's hoping they get the chance.