As we learned in our chat with
MachineGames Narrative Designer Tommy Tordsson Björk, who explained that the latest game in the
Wolfesntein series is essentially a co-op game. And that it's both a spin-off and a contuation of the story laid out by
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.
“It's definitely a spin off, but it's also a continuation of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus,” MachineGames narrative designer Tommy Tordsson Björk tells me. With its story set decades after the events of that game and the focus now shifted to a co-op adventure starring series protagonist BJ. Blazkowicz’ daughters it’s hard not to be at least a little confused as to where Wolfenstein: Youngblood fits into the picture. A picture that is the Wolfenstein franchise seen this decade – a depiction of freedom fighters wielding high-powered weapons taking out rooms of Nazi soldiers. Against the backdrop of character-driven, cinematic ambition.
“The story in this game adds to the story of the main titles for sure,” Tommy continues. “And that's how we treated it. We wanted this to feel like something that adds to the story. Gives a new perspective to not only The New Order and The New Colossus but also the entire series. We also wanted this to feel like a fresh take on the Wolfenstein games.”
Click Here to Read Our Wolfenstein: Youngblood - MachineGames Interview