But his reasoning is sound, as highlighted in this response as part of a new interview over at
The Guardian, "I’m happy that you can play Morrowind now on an Xbox One, as it’s backwards compatible. I’m really happy that Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and others are making it easier for people to play [older games] as they were played at the time. I actually prefer that over remasters."
Adding, "I’d rather you play Morrowind the way it was, I think the age is part of its identity." In reference to the backwards compatible version playable on the Xbox One X, thanks to Microsoft's engineering team Morrowind outputs at 4K, looking sharper than ever before, but without any additional effects or updates. The idea of a remaster, which we've seen plenty of late, is a contentious one when the visual identity of a classic game changes in the process. As fans of all things retro here at AusGamers we love playing older PC and console titles, and at best enjoy the crisper presentation of a higher resolution ala the Xbox One X without messing with the overall look and feel.
Naturally one could point to Skyrim Special Edition as "but what about" in response to Howard's stance on a Morrowing remaster, but as he also points out that was essentially more in-line with the original look citing classic games and older titles like the original Fallout are best experienced as they were back in the day.