Which has since been removed in an update to the game, but makes you wonder how this came about in the first place. Was it a simple case of putting stuff found via Google image search directly into the game? If so, that's incredibly lazy and a little dangerous. The offending image was part of last week's release of Episode 2 of the Batman: The Enemy Within from Telltale.
In a statement made to
Gamasutra, Telltale noted that "We regret this incident occurred, and we are taking appropriate action internally to ensure that we continue to maintain our high standards in production and quality assurance."
The image, which was used to represent security camera footage of a bank robbery of sorts used the image of slain diplomat Andrei Karlov, Russian ambassador to Turkey. Disturbing to say the least.
Thankfully Telltale was quick to update the game and respond to the news which broke over the weekend.