Okay, so this is more of a joke than actual thing. After all, the campaign description seems to lack any sort of real understanding of game development. $200,000 for a large scale open world RPG? Or, the Star Wars franchise. Case in point, Obi
Juan Kenobi. Which probably means that this is all a big prank. A very funny one too. That is, until Disney's lawyers wake-up from their collective holiday hangover and get it taken down. In the meantime though you can join the already 72 backers this thing has.
Yeah, $16,269 and growing. For a pitch that contains not much more than,
Like many of us when we were kids, we wanted to be like Luke Skywalker or obi juan Kenobi, but like all of us, we do not live in a galaxy far far away. There might be another way, though. With all the open world RPGs out there how is there not a good one for Star Wars? I have decided to take matters into my own hands and write a story in the star wars universe that will fit inside an RPG video game that I have not created.
You can check the full pitch on
Kickstarter, and if you're so inclined kick in a few bucks to make this dream a reality.