Square Enix has revealed a short snippet of gameplay during their Tokyo Game Show 2014 livestream over the weekend, showing off some of the very open combat that players will be getting their hands on come next year's March demo.
As mentioned, the gameplay is just a short snippet of what we can expect in March's 2015 demo, which Square has described as a taste test of the title's new combat. Judging from the video, the combat seems to be a mix of Final Fantasy XIII and Kingdom Hearts, with a sort of open-ish direction on how you fight your enemies rather than the more traditional turn-based combat seen in past FF titles.
NeoGAF user Frumix has also posted a run down on what was said during the Type-0 livestream, which revealed that players can expect Final Fantasy XV's March 2015 demo to run at around an hour, though you could possibly stretch that to three hours. The demo will also contain a bit of the overworld plus a dungeon to explore, no bosses due to them being a big part of the game and "cars" will be available to drive around the overworld.
It was also revealed during the livestream that the player can dictate whether they want to drive in the overworld, or let the party members take over. It was also mentioned that Chocobos, the fluffy yellow birds iconic to the series, may see a return in Final Fantasy XV though no confirmation yet.
Square Enix are aiming to release the demo in the same launch window as Final Fantasy Type-0 HD's, though we'll probably have a more solid confirmation closer to the date. For now you can check it out in action below (skip to 22:40 for the demo), or head to the
NeoGAF post for an even more in-depth look at the control scheme.