Friend of the site, Cameron Lee, might as well write for us permanently. He's appeared in numerous interviews with us over the past two years and remains one of the best voices for getting information regarding BioWare's next major project -- Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Speaking with Nathan Lawrence from the Gamescom showfloor, the Aussie ex-pat talks at length about the game's tone and mood, about how an inquisition isn't actually a bad thing, and about how there are no Lightsabers in their new, massive open-world action-RPG.
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Cameron Lee Dragon Age: Inquisition developer interview.
Posted 11:37pm 21/8/14
Posted 08:07am 22/8/14
In my mind this game and The Witcher 3 are going head to head, in which case I'm putting my bets down on The Witcher 3. Part of that is because every time I think of dragon age, the bitter taste of DA2 is still remembered. Hopefully Cameron and friends can break that curse and bring us a classic.
Posted 09:10am 22/8/14
From what i've seen of the third it looks promising, but I almost couldn't be f***ed playing it on the basis that I haven't heavily followed the first 2 enough to know whats going on in the story or the lore of the land.
Posted 12:19am 23/8/14
If not I cant really see a point in it for myself. I really dont enjoy singleplayer games much anymore - they just dont have any longevity for me. Like everything in life - its better with other people.
Posted 01:26am 23/8/14
On topic though, I'm pretty sure Dragon Age doesn't do multiplayer, its always been a purely single player experience. If this one does have multiplayer it'd be an additional game mode of some kind, like the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer was.