Renowned game designer Michel Ancel, whose most famous work includes the creation of Rayman, has shown off a debut trailer for Wild, his new game with Wild Sheep Studio, at Sony's Gamescom Press Conference.
The trailer shows untamed landscapes, animal life and tribal people living off the land. In the trailer, cartoonish people run around, ride animals, hunt game and fish in rich, colorful environments, almost like a DayZ but without the zombies.
There's a hint of fantasy as well, as the trailer showed a massive rideable bird, a giant skeleton and a giant woman. Lots of giants. The creator noted that the game world is also huge, "the size of Europe," with "dynamic weather and seasons."
Wild is scheduled for release sometime in the future as a PlayStation 4 exclusive. Check out the trailer below and find out more on Wild through the new
PlayStation blog post.
Posted 12:38pm 14/8/14
Posted 02:14am 17/8/14