Fans of in-development space sim Star Citizen will be glad to know that the latest patch for the Arena Commander module has brought about numerous balance changes to the game, including the biggest culprit: rubber-banding.
“You’ll know that one of our major focuses for this patch has been to resolve the persistent rubber banding issues that players are encountering in multiplayer" writes Cloud's Travis Day on the
blog post. "In our quest to resolve this particular issue we’ve investigated down many paths and put in place many potential fixes. Over the course of the past weeks we’ve been all through the IFCS code, network code, game server code, and many of the associated systems."
“We’ve been resolving issues and improving/hardening each system along with adding a menagerie of useful debug tools that we’ll carry into the future. While not all of these fixes have been successful at addressing rubber banding specifically, they are all included in the current patch and do in fact resolve issues or otherwise improve the multiplayer game and improve the resilience of the systems.”
A full list of the
patch notes can be found over here, alongside Day's full discussion on the patch which is
available here.