Almost three years since the game's original teaser reveal at the 2011 Spike Video Game Awards, Epic Games has served up some actually substantial gameplay footage from Fortnite, the Unreal Engine 4 powered, free-to-play PC shooter. Epic describes the game thusly:
In Fortnite, players and their friends lead a group of Heroes to reclaim and rebuild a homeland that has been left empty by a mysterious darkness only known as “the Storm.” Players will band together online to explore the world for resources, build extravagant forts, find or build insane weapons and traps as they protect their towns from the strange monsters that emerge during the Storm.
TL;DR: Build forts. Co-op. Kill monsters. Find stuff. Craft stuff. Huge procedural worlds. Save the day. Bacon.
The new reveal is accompanied by a press embargo lift of hands-on previews from publications fortunate enough to demo the game at Epic's North Carolina headquarters, and you can read impressions at the likes of
Escapist, and
Sign-ups are currently open for Alpha teasting at, and Epic explains that "some players will be let into the game this year, with even more players in 2015", suggesting any actual launch of the game won't be until at least late next year.
Also reaffirmed is that the game is still currently being developed exclusively for PC, with the (seemingly likely) possibility of other platforms later on.
Posted 09:31am 09/7/14