Blizzard has been in the game development scene for some time now, and with their latest title now out in the wild, its time to see just how well Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft performs in a card market already well populated by Magic The Gathering and the like.
Fans of Blizzard's well polished titles are in for treat when it comes to Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. Offering a well-rounded experience with the addition of being free-to-play, Hearthstone is definitely one you won't want to be missing out on if you are a fan of card trading games. But you might want to read Kosta "Toadovsky" Andreadis' review before taking the usual high quality aspect of Blizzard games to heart, as there is always room for more polish.
It’s this level of polish and accessibility that Blizzard have infused into Hearthstone that make it a great success, no matter how you feel about card games. If Hearthstone looks too static and boring or even too simplified and limited, you’ll be hard pressed after playing the game to not want to spend more time in this wonderful off-shoot of the Warcraft universe.
Check out our full
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft review to see our thoughts on the new free-to-play title.