Responding to Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag customers that were disgruntled about single-player elements of the game being paygated, Ubisoft has completely abandoned the controversial Uplay Passport program, and opened up the previously locked content for free. A
blog post explains the about-face thusly:
Gamers currently without a Uplay Passport for Black Flag will be able to download one for free from Xbox Live or PlayStation Network. For those who have already purchased Uplay Passport for Black Flag, please contact your regional Ubisoft support.
What’s more, Uplay Passport will not be a part of any future Ubisoft games.
The Uplay Passport program was initiated as a means of giving customers full access and support for online multiplayer and features, along with exclusive content, bonuses and rewards. However, games today are blurring the line between offline and online, between what is “single player” and what is “multiplayer.” Based on that and on the feedback we received from you, we recognized that Passport is no longer the best approach for ensuring that all our customers have the best possible experience with all facets of our games.
The sweet taste of consumer victory. Kudos to Ubisoft for listening.
Posted 11:22am 01/11/13
Posted 02:11pm 01/11/13
Posted 02:17pm 01/11/13
Uplay is just... just so awful to use. I really wish they'd trash it and stick to Steam. I guess it's not as horrible as GWFL.
Posted 02:35pm 01/11/13
Posted 06:05pm 01/11/13
Posted 06:26pm 01/11/13
They just look at each other and say "how can we make yet more money, because users have previously bought our s*** no matter what"
If people stopped buying their games, maybe they would stop. You only have yourselves to blame.
Posted 06:45pm 01/11/13
On the contrary, ubisoft don't deserve kudos for simply returning to the status quo in order to cool down complaints.
Shame on them for serving up such a customer hostile piece of s*** in the first place.
Posted 07:59pm 01/11/13
No idea why any company would want that.
Posted 08:13pm 01/11/13
as a middle class citizen i want to go to sleep on a big bed of fine vaginas and wake up to breakfast in vaginas on tits. then i want the emperor of swaziland to dress me and his wife to give me a hand shandy before zipping up my fine versaci suit personally tailored to fit me by the heir to versaci him or herself. then i want my private jet to land in my immense backyard and open the boarding door next to the exit to my room which is a massive slide that does a loop-de-loop and everything. all contestants of miss universe are aboard and we're going to see how many new years celebrations we can actually catch.
Posted 08:19pm 01/11/13
think about it, what was the last nice thing that EA ever done, ubisoft, et al
Posted 08:47pm 01/11/13
Posted 08:50pm 01/11/13
Posted 08:34am 02/11/13
I guess I like having a big library and collection in one place too. Which is why I tend to only buy games on steam, and given the constant sales, waiting 6-8 months for a AAA game to go on sale doesn't bother me.
Posted 09:23am 02/11/13
steam is like an unlock code on a mobile, easy use, and enough of a pain not to bother stealing most of the time
always on internet, and having to log in all the time etc, pain in the arse