Rainmaker Entertainment, producer of “Escape From Planet Earth”, has unveiled their latest project with Blockade Entertainment to adapt the long-running Ratchet & Clank series into a 3D-animated film. Variety are reporting that the studio is expecting a early release in 2015, though no date has been specifically set.
“‘Ratchet & Clank’ is a world-renowned video game franchise that appeals to a broad audience,” Foxhoven said. “By working closely with SCEA and Insomniac, we will remain true to the game’s expansive mythology while also creating a story that will capture the imagination of those who will be new to this incredible world.”
Producers secured the film rights from Sony Computer Entertainment America, and franchise developer Insomniac who see the film as a way to generate interest in the 10-year-old series from a new fanbase that may not be familiar with the property.
“It’s meant for a mass audience and not just those who know the franchise,” Foxhoven said, with the film serving “almost like an origin story of sorts,” revolving around “how (the characters) came together.”
Fans of the series will be glad to know that the studio has secured the original voice actors of the game series, including James A. Taylor, David Kaye and Jim Ward, who voice the Ratchet, Clank and Qwark characters. The script is also being written by TJ Fixman, who also is a senior writer for Insomniac Games, and "aims to maintain the game’s signature dialogue and irreverent humor." Check out the first trailer below.
Alongside the Ratchet & Clank film, Blockade Entertainment is also producing a Heavenly Sword film, however no details have yet been given on where exactly the story will take place. The film will be a direct-to-home release.