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Post by Eorl @ 10:13am 05/03/13 | 46 Comments
For those of you eagerly awaiting the chance to step into the shoes of the newly rebooted Tomb Raider will be glad to know that Square Enix has today announced that the freshly-rebooted title is now available for all platforms.
Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold.
If you haven't yet, you can check out AusGamers review over here for what we thought of the latest Lara Croft title, but also check out our game page as well for more screenshots, trailers and news.

Tomb Raider is available now for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

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Latest Comments
Posted 04:02pm 06/3/13
Absolutely loving it
Posted 04:12pm 06/3/13
Yeah I bought for the PC yesterday and played it last night for a few hours and really enjoying it!
Posted 01:00am 07/3/13
Playing with controllers?
Posted 01:22am 07/3/13
Mouse and keyboard is best for Tomb Raider, need free look.

Bought this game today ... it's much more intense than the others, that's for sure.
Posted 01:31am 07/3/13
ordinary version is $69 at JB and I have a 20% off voucher. I was wondering what game I should waste it on, maybe this is it? Anyone know what kind of s***** DRM it uses?
Posted 02:22am 07/3/13
it uses steam, so... steam?
Posted 01:51pm 07/3/13
picked it up last night for like $30. I'm honestly surprised how much I'm enjoying this game. Only played an hour or two but so far it's been a solid game. if the game continues like it has been, it's definitely worth the 9/10
Posted 05:35pm 07/3/13
Paid nothing
Finished it
was good.

Not buying it.
Posted 06:31pm 07/3/13
Paid nothing
Finished it
was good.

Not buying it.

what lame thing to do.

anyway i'm pretty close to the end. it's been an epic ride so far.
Posted 07:53pm 07/3/13
it uses steam, so... steam?

ahh steam, the one "always on" drm I don't hate.
Posted 09:15pm 07/3/13
yeah never liked tomb raider and never really get into games like this one, but really enjoying it. played a few hours of it now and only 33% done :)
Posted 09:34pm 07/3/13
well i'm finished and thoroughly enjoyed it. i had 92% completion by the end.
Posted 11:59pm 07/3/13
so far it's Epic for me, almost half way i reckon.

Trying to figure out that 2nd optional tomb with the wind. Need to time it right to get up on those boards at the end of the room but the swing falls short.
Posted 02:36am 08/3/13
I'm enjoying it but have a complaint. In interviews with the devs and such I remember reading they said that with this reboot, they were going to tell the story of how Lara becomes the girl we know her as. Only that doesn't happen really. She knows how to hunt, shoot bows, guns and all sorts of things not to mention taking some serious punishment in the first escape part with only 1 real injury. I thought it would be more like, she's totally unfamiliar with any of this and has to do it to survive and through this whole game she ends up hardened. Oh well just a small complaint though since it's a great game. Looks much better with sweetfx injector over it though I think.
Posted 03:18am 08/3/13
^^Yeah same. She does make reference to her previous training by someone (Roth I think) but you never actually get to see the very beginning. I guess that would be boring though, seeing a little girl sword fight and learn how to shoot a bow & stuff. More like yeah she's done some stuff but this is her first REAL adventure by herself.

Also what the hell is with this girl? Is she Bruce Willis? She gets seriously f***ed up through the entire game and yet doesn't die. Reminds me of how Willis looks at the end of every one of his movies.

I have to say, this is one of the very few games I'm really enjoying playing. You get enough of a break between shooting people to admire the scenery. Well it's 2am now and I have to get up at 6. FU Tomb Raider, y b so addictive :(
Posted 10:39am 08/3/13
I've only had time to play about 30 minutes or so, but noticed she falls a lot and doesn't die.


You know what's even more amazing?

I saw a ledge roughly her head height and jumped for it, but there was a bush in the way so I missed it, so I jumped again, and landed on the bush ... again ... and died.


Lara ... invincible ... except against twigs.
Posted 12:10pm 08/3/13
haha yeah the bushes damage your for some reason.

so far it's Epic for me, almost half way i reckon.

Trying to figure out that 2nd optional tomb with the wind. Need to time it right to get up on those boards at the end of the room but the swing falls short.

you're probably slightly less than a third of the way through the game. it's a big game, 13hrs play time here and i didn't even collect everything.

that tomb just requires some good timing, it took me a few attempts to finally get it. you need to close the window shutters then run back to the crank for the swing and just as the top shutters burst back open, start cranking it. then quickly jump on the box and onto the swing. if timed right the bottom shutters will burst open just as you get onto the swing propelling you up to the boards on the wall.

^^Yeah same. She does make reference to her previous training by someone (Roth I think) but you never actually get to see the very beginning. I guess that would be boring though, seeing a little girl sword fight and learn how to shoot a bow & stuff. More like yeah she's done some stuff but this is her first REAL adventure by herself.

yeah roth practically raised her after her father died, and he taught her survival skills. this game is about her first time all alone and using those skills she learned from him to save herself and her friends.
Posted 12:45pm 08/3/13
Last night I got up to the part where it says you can't travel to other areas past this point, so I guess right at the last act. Tossing up whether to go back and find the things I've missed, normally I'm not much of a completionist but finding stuff and working out how to get to it is half the fun with this game.

The thing that I've noticed about this game is that it's not as story driven as I thought it was, or at least, the main story isn't really all that important compared to the survival theme for setting up the tense atmosphere that makes the game so compelling. The story is getting more preposterous as I go on, some of the characters are beginning to get annoying and the dialogue can be jarring at times. Despite all that I'm still having a blast and want to finish the game because the story plays second fiddle to Lara's battle for survival and general ass kickery.

Also if she went bald and started screaming "Yippi-kai-yay motherf*****!", I doubt I'd notice.
Posted 11:03pm 08/3/13
Another thing, is the game aimed at horny men or what? I don't know if it's just my paranoia kicking in but the game seems to focus on her ass quite a bit. Like where you have to crouch under the bridge, this is the ONLY view you get, you can't swing around or move the camera at all for the entire length.
Posted 11:06pm 08/3/13
Last night I got up to the part where it says you can't travel to other areas past this point, so I guess right at the last act. Tossing up whether to go back and find the things I've missed, normally I'm not much of a completionist but finding stuff and working out how to get to it is half the fun with this game.

you probably have 30mins left at most.
Posted 01:52am 09/3/13
Yeah I finished it pretty quickly tonight. Very satisfying game and I hope if there are any sequels they can keep up that level of quality. It does make me wonder what they will do though since survival was such a big theme in that game, more so than archeology or tombraiding.

Whoop, I didn't get that at all. The tight camera angles in those situations made it feel more intense and I was focused on the game and not her ass. Considering she is the least characterized Lara ever designed I would say you're well off the mark.

Horny teenagers will find anything to ogle though.
Posted 02:20am 09/3/13
You're telling me you haven't noticed the hundreds of closeups of her ass as she climbs up stuff, or crouches through things? Did I get the porn version or something? I'm not kidding, every time she climbs up something it zooms in as her ass gets into frame. Unless it depends on the angle you have the camera at, I tend to have it quite low to be looking up while climbing up stuff to, you know, see where I'm going. Might try looking down next time and see what happens.
Posted 02:32am 09/3/13
Its great, but one thing that stood out as feeling tacky to me was whenever you solve the puzzle in one of the tombs and get to the treasure chest, it displays in big text on the screen "Tomb Raided!"

First time I saw that I thought wow, way to hammer the player around the head with it.
Posted 10:28am 11/3/13
Man, am loving this game. Definitely one of the best I've played recently. The story is ace, mix of story and free-world is good, the game engine and the adventure/combat mix is also tops.

Proper dark and compelling story too.

Seeing s*** like this makes you wonder what Mass Effect 3 and co could of been like.
Posted 11:05am 11/3/13
i'm with deadlyf, i didn't really take notice of any ass shots etc.

Its great, but one thing that stood out as feeling tacky to me was whenever you solve the puzzle in one of the tombs and get to the treasure chest, it displays in big text on the screen "Tomb Raided!"

the "A SURVIVOR IS BORN" message at the end of the game is worse.
Posted 11:12pm 11/3/13
Yeah I didn't notice overly gratuitous body shots, she's still got a pretty serious rack but it's not focused on and overall she looks relatively normal.

Did anyone else notice there's loads of what look like paths to other places, but they're conveniently blocked by those bushes she can't get through. DLC content maybe?
Posted 11:34pm 11/3/13
Its not that great. Spent most of my time running around picking s***e up for upgrades that are almost useless since the game is so freaking easy you barely need to upgrade anything. Also Drakes Uncharted3 is much more polished game - TR plays like the first Drakes Uncharted(2007). TR is a great example of how easy games are becoming. The only thing TR has going for it is the bow and arrow.
Posted 11:43pm 11/3/13
yeah agree i did find it pretty easy but did also enjoy it
Posted 03:11am 12/3/13
My brother was b****ing like a little girl about how he can't get through the quick timer events, saying they ruined the game etc. HA! They're piss easy, just mash whatever button it tells you to, when it tells you.

I also don't see what everyone is b****ing about re. her hair. This is what it looks like on my machine (i7 + gtx570oc). While it might look prettier on some of the screenshots I've seen, it certainly doesn't take away from the game at all.
Posted 09:13am 12/3/13
what i dont like about the tressfx hair, is that it flies all over the place. it just doesn't look right.
Posted 12:32pm 12/3/13
Played a bit more last night, it does seem fairly easy, but I've played all the Tomb Raiders and other than the puzzles, it's not exactly a game type that you play to challenge yourself.

It's more about the story and the fun of using the movements available to do the exploring.

I miss the tombs, but overall I rate this game very highly, love it!
Posted 12:44pm 12/3/13
the puzzles in the tombs need to be a lot harder imo. i was in and out of them within a few minutes.
Posted 04:55pm 12/3/13
More puzzels and less QTEs. Harder puzzels would be good.
Posted 07:24pm 12/3/13
It seems it might have been made to appeal to a wider audience. I hated the first tomb raiders because "puzzles, meh. I wanna shoot stuff". This one offers me the option to shoot stuff, be all stealthy, run amok and the occasional wander around without the fear of being shot at (which is always good after a lengthy firefight but most games ignore that and just throw more enemies at you).

It's sort of got a bit for everyone. Admittedly I HATE the QTE's, but didn't find them difficult (mash this, press that, aim here, just seem like something that should be left to a tutorial screen imho)
what i dont like about the tressfx hair, is that it flies all over the place. it just doesn't look right.

I like how she can go swimming, be out in the rain or drowned in blood and her hair still looks like she's just come out of an advert for shampoo. It's all shiny and doesn't look wet at all.
Posted 09:06pm 12/3/13
completed the game, very impressed. Def worth buying if you're considering it. On PC that is.
Posted 10:09pm 12/3/13
I wish you could save to more than 3 points. There's so many scenes that would make a decent youtube movie if you could save just before those points to play again.
Posted 11:14pm 12/3/13
Yeah I'd defo do another play through, some of the more scripted set pieces are pretty cool. The whole palace fire attack/escape was awesome.
Posted 11:19pm 12/3/13
I want to combine the bit where she sets fire to the fuel tanks to attract the planes attention with the bit where the bridge blows up and she goes flying. Perfect "die hard" looking scene :)
Posted 11:20pm 12/3/13
i cannot believe people are already speed running this game in under 2 and a half hours.
Posted 11:24pm 12/3/13
Haha, she is totally channelling die hard throughout the whole game!
Posted 11:33pm 12/3/13
On PC that is.

Of course, it's the only way to roll.
Posted 01:24am 13/3/13
Tanks full of fuel? Place is about to blow the hell up? F**** given? Zero.

Running is for b******, pro's casually walk away from explosions and don't look back.
Posted 11:01pm 13/3/13
Conan reviews Tomb Raider (and apparently shares my opinion on the ass shots)
Posted 11:36pm 13/3/13
Running is for b******, pro's casually walk away from explosions and don't look back.

The more you ignore it the cooler you look.

Posted 11:46pm 13/3/13
^ Love it.
Posted 07:48am 14/3/13
Just finished it, pretty cool ending but not amazeballs. I got 83% overall completion and I didn't do that much looking.
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