Sony has officially unveiled the upcoming Uncharted game recently leaked by the Australian Classification board, pinning it as an action-adventure turn-based card game featuring the heroes and villains from the Uncharted universe. The title will be coming to PlayStation Vita in December via the PlayStation Store.
The core gameplay in UNCHARTED: Fight for Fortune involves creating a team of Faction cards featuring heroes, villains, and mercenaries from the UNCHARTED universe, then using that team to defeat your opponent while defending yourself from their attacks.
Each Faction card can be equipped with powerful Resource and valuable Fortune cards, which enhance their stats and give them special abilities. Once you’ve selected and equipped a card, it’s time to head into battle! During combat, attacks either reduce the health of opposing Faction cards or the health of your opponent. Defeating an opposing Faction card removes it from play, while reducing the health of your opponent to zero wins you the game.
Those interested can check out the official announcement on the
PlayStation blog, or check out the debut trailer below for a brief gameplay overview.
Uncharted: Fight for Fortune will be available on December 4 in America on PlayStation Vita for $4.99, however no Australian pricing or release date has been announced yet.