As Nintendo's Wii U closes in on the Holiday release period, all eyes are on what the innovative gaming giant is offering this time around. And while Wii certainly had a strong market penetration in its lifespan, its arguable most core gamers have just let theirs collect dust in the last few years.
It's something I, as a once Nintendo fanboy, have been thinking about since the new console was unveiled last year and I've come up with a list of things I think they need to do to ensure not only a lengthy stay in the next generation, but to also bring people like me back on board, because I'm definitely trepidatious about it, but the potential for a throwback to the yesteryear of Nintendo franchise and innovation dominance is there.
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Posted 05:32pm 02/11/12
Posted 06:59pm 02/11/12
Posted 07:16pm 02/11/12
Posted 08:50pm 02/11/12
I have all 3 consoles, and play some Steam games, but I'm nowhere near as much of a gamer as I used to be and I feel a lot of people are the same. I guess I can attribute it to not having the time anymore due to work and other hobbies, but I don't really feel desire to play games as much. Even though there are a lot of great titles out there, it seems without Nintendo keeping up with tech some of the magic has been lost. Sure the games are great, but you do feel disconnected in a way as opposed to how social all other facets of technology are these days. I guess Wii U is their chance to prove how they can compete in this space, but I wouldn't hold my breath, Nintendo is, and always has done it's own thing with blinkers on.
Posted 11:56pm 02/11/12