Green Man Gaming has a super low price available for last year's smash hit, Batman: Arkham City, for anyone who uses a special code when purchasing.
All you need to do is use "BATAR-ANGBA-RGAIN" when ordering the game from GMG and it'll come to you at £14.67 / US$24.47 / AUD$24.47 which is pretty damn good for what is arguably a top contender for Game of the Year 2012.
Of course, we assume there are still a lot of you yet to pick up the Dark Knight's latest gaming adventure, and for you slackers, all you need to do is check out both our
game page for the game as well as
our review to see you'd be a
joker to miss out on this deal.
Don't forget, we also have
direct links hosted to GMG straight from the Batman: Arkham City game page.
Posted 01:57pm 21/2/12
Posted 02:03pm 21/2/12
As a bonus the PC version is definitely the best. Really well done by the devs.
Posted 02:08pm 21/2/12
Posted 02:22pm 21/2/12
Posted 02:30pm 21/2/12
Posted 02:32pm 21/2/12
Most likely.
A while back i looked for Batman Arkham City keys online and 90% of them were for GFWL version and NOT able to be activated on steam.
Posted 03:34pm 21/2/12
The really frustrating part is it was $24.99 over christmas if you could buy it from the Steam US store.
Seriously, has there been any news on 3rd party publishers blindly robbing people on steam yet? coz it's really frustrating.
Posted 07:39pm 21/2/12
Seriously, has there been any news on 3rd party publishers blindly robbing Australian people on steam yet? coz it's really frustrating.
Plenty of articles out there. Google away and enjoy spending most of your evening reading.
Also, pro tip for searching the GMG website for Steam games. Type 'steam' in the search, they're tagged and can be located that way.
Posted 07:27am 22/2/12
Posted 08:07am 22/2/12
Posted 11:32pm 22/2/12
Basically every digi download on there is 50% or more expensive than US/Uk equivelent prices.
I dont understand why non phsyical media is so ridiculously expensive here, hell even the physical copies of games that are printed here are so overpriced.
Posted 11:45pm 22/2/12