For anyone champing at the bit to start their own quest as a Jedi, Sith, Bounty Hunter et al, in a Galaxy Far Far Away, we have a brand new trailer for you today from the fine folks at BioWare, showcasing Jedi Consular Character Progression.
Beyond the titular obvious, today's trailer also gives a pretty good glimpse at some gameplay components, as well as how the game is coming along visually. Obviously being an MMO it's not breaking any graphic moulds, but some of the animations and Jedi powers here look pretty damn cool.
Watch the new video embedded below, or
click here to download it.
Posted 12:55pm 28/11/11
Posted 02:40pm 28/11/11
Posted 02:41pm 28/11/11
Posted 02:55pm 28/11/11
Posted 03:02pm 28/11/11
Posted 03:36pm 28/11/11
that jedi was f*****g bad ass duel wielding a one handed lightsaber with a double bladed lightsaber. tri wielding?
Posted 07:46pm 28/11/11
Posted 01:15am 29/11/11
The clone wars had to one-up them and just had a super-a****** jedi who had two double bladed. :P
The show is sometimes ok....
Holy shizen, those guys do everything.