The Tokyo Game Show affords Westerners an opportunity to see a lot of games we'd most likely never see outside of Japan, but seems to also offer us a chance to champion said games into breaking through for Westernisation through coverage, support, and in this case, swooning.
Ni No Kuni comes from Level 5 and was originally released on the Nintendo DS, but when it was offered up on the PlayStation 3 in expanded form (with apparent DLC on the way), the Studio Ghibli side of the collaboration came to full light; it's arguably one of the best looking JRPGs I've seen in a long time and most definitely one of the best looking cel-animation based games ever crafted.
If you've ever played one of Namco Bandai's
Tales Of series, you'll know how this game is going to turn out, but either way, Ghibli fans will eat this up for the animation and story alone.
There's no official Western release date, only that we'll see it sometime in early 2012 (thanks
Watch the trailer below, or
click here for the HD option.
Posted 11:22am 20/9/11
last edited by DM at 11:22:43 20/Sep/11
Posted 11:42am 20/9/11
Posted 12:26pm 20/9/11
Posted 03:44pm 20/9/11
EDIT - Holy crap what luck. New Rune Factory for PS3 comes out in 7 days for the US. Oh the hours I will spend on that... I clocked up over 90 in the Wii RF game and didn't even get 1/2 way.
last edited by DM at 15:44:05 20/Sep/11