Keiji Inafune, inventor of Mega Man and the genius behind Dead Rising has made a series of shorts based around his zombie-playground series called Dead Rising Sun.
The first three episodes of Dead Rising Sun are due to hit the interwebs in a week or so, but Xbox 360 owners can check it out now from Xbox Live as an exclusive preview (provided you're a Gold Member). The series was written and directed by Inafune-san (it's his film directorial debut) and he offers an introduction before Episode one, and concludes Episode three with a discussion on his motivations for making Dead Rising Sun. So Xbox 360 owners, grab some popcorn, sit back and check out some videogame-derived zombie film fun.
Let us know what you think of the Episodes in the Comments section.
Posted 11:38am 05/8/10
Gave up after a little bit as the voices made me cringe. That and I was bored of it.
2 - 2.5 out of 5 IMO
Posted 01:57pm 05/8/10
Posted 03:15pm 05/8/10