It's not everyday you get to see an alien world this rich and vibrant and feel like some sort of human voyeur because of how close you feel to it all, but that's the nature of stereoscopic 3D coupled with the lush, imaginative world of James Cameron's Avatar.
Put these two things together in a game, at the hands of Ubisoft, and you have the potential to truly break the 'licensed-games-are-shit' trend. At this year's TGS, yours truly sat down with Art Animation Director, Brent George to see what's on offer and really walked away surprised and excited. Avatar The Game is both deep and bold in what it tries to deliver in the gameplay department, with the 3D-factor giving it a big gold star.
Click here for our full preview.
Posted 04:03pm 27/9/09
Posted 04:09pm 27/9/09
Posted 04:15pm 27/9/09
Posted 04:19pm 27/9/09
Posted 05:35pm 27/9/09
Posted 11:11am 29/9/09
Posted 06:52am 30/9/09
Posted 02:51pm 30/9/09