The official Battlefield Heroes site has a Q&A up exposing some more details about the upcoming free World War 2 shooter. Some of it further confirms the focus on casual gamers - it will be interesting to see if it has enough skill differentiation to enable the same sort of good competitive play that previous BF titles have had. Here's a snippet:
Will you be able to refill ammo/HP out in the field (as in BF1942 and BFV)? If not, will a class be able to hand out ammo/HP?
Every class in Battlefield Heroes has unlimited ammo and is able to heal themselves on the fly. Though the Soldier class could be described as being the closest to a traditional Battlefield ‘medic’ if you choose to play him as such; you could just as easily leave this group heal ability out and focus just on offensive abilities
Check out the
full Q&A for the rest. We've got a bunch of
screenshots if you haven't seen it before!
Posted 11:12am 28/5/08
they should have called it battlefield: rambos
Posted 11:31am 28/5/08
i take it its going to be fully ad marketed ingame.
Health packs will be johnson and johnson band aids, Stamina will be cans of red bull or V, Health with be subway footlong sub.
Posted 11:35am 28/5/08
Posted 12:19pm 28/5/08
Posted 12:24pm 28/5/08
Posted 12:36pm 28/5/08
Posted 01:52pm 28/5/08
Posted 02:14pm 28/5/08
Posted 09:51pm 28/5/08