If you thought your Wii love was over until the release of Super Smash Bros Brawl later this year, Nintendo of Australia have shown us they care by announcing release dates for two of their bigger upcoming Wii titles. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and Harvest Moon Magical Melody are both due for release in the Easter month of April on the 10th and 3rd, respectively.
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn carries on three years after the events of the GameCube Fire Emblem outing, Path of Radiance, where a Daein uprising has begun. A host of new characters as well as old favourites like Ike and the Black Knight will cross paths in this long-running turn-based strategy franchise.
Harvest Moon Magical Melody maintains its tradition as a cute farming sim set in the Forget-Me-Not-Valley. Take over a run-down farm, plant crops, milk cows, shop and generally do all the things a farm-hand can do - you can even try and woo some of the local girls in town to eventually marry you.
If you've never played either of these franchises before but do own a Wii, they could be just what Dr Mario ordered. Stay tuned to AusGamers closer to their release dates for our full reviews.