Genre: | Adventure | Players: | 1 |
Developer: | Nintendo | Official Site: | |
Publisher: | Nintendo | Classification: | M15+ |
Release Date: | 24th December 2011 |
2011 is the year of Zelda with Nintendo celebrating 25 years since the beginning of the critically-acclaimed franchise. The Legend of Zelda was first released on the Nintendo Entertainment System a quarter of a century ago this year, and to help celebrate this occasion Nintendo are releasing a special limited edition bundle for the latest instalment in The Legend of Zelda franchise, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.The bundle is apparently a "limited edition", but it doesn't state what the limits are - so keep yours eyes peeled.
The special limited edition bundle features a copy of the game, the music CD featuring selected songs from The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony, and a rare golden* Wii Remote Plus controller bearing the Hylian Crest.