It's been out for a few days, but we've been dealing with our post-E3 slaw (and I've equally dealt with wrestling my housemates for the game), but here's the AusGamers The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D review.
In all honesty, there's not a great deal to say about this game beyond praising it for its place in the annals of videogame brilliance. We do definitely talk about additions to the package on the whole, but the most important information anyone can really walk away with, is this is a perfect update to a classic title that does not feel like a cheap cash-in. It's just as engaging (if not more so) and so for fans, well worth it. If you're a newcomer to the game or series though, Ocarina of Time 3D really is the perfect place to start.
Click here for our full review.