Was just wanting to query my server with Gametracker etc. Thanks, Morgedoo |
Le Derp. It's on the Config Page. Query Port: 20005
ahaha /thread |
Just adding on to that, Could you please whitelist the following IP's from my TeamSpeak. As they are getting banned for flooding.
One if for Procon. One is a server query script I run on a Home Server. Thanks. Morgedoo |
I have no idea why I've never done this before, but I've added a default query_ip_whitelist.txt file that customers can edit. I've added those IP addresses to yours, but you can add more yourself from the files page of your TS3 server.
You'll need to restart the server for it to take effect. |
Just adding on to that, I am trying to set up a plugin. However while I am Server Admin, I cannot tick b_channel_join_ignore_password.. This is causing problems, as it is breaking the plugin.
EDIT: The error is: <18:28:20> insufficient permission modify power |
Okay, So I have got a rather large problem now.
I have two teamspeaks with you. I have a main one and a personal. My main one had about 60 channels or so. My personal had about 2. Everything from my main was copied from my personal TS. Meaning I have lost everything. The only thing that didn't change was the Server Groups. Those remained. What's happening? |