Hey all. Due to a couple of iffy players we have had on our server lately we have activated a couple of spectator spots. It occurred to me that there might come a time when we need to use them and they might be being used by randoms watching their friends. Does anyone know of a way of kicking them out? I looked through procon and could see no option relating to spectators at all.
If not is there a way to limit them to admins/rcons? |
I knew I'd forgotten something.
I've added a new property "Spectators: Allow anyone to spec:" that is on by default. If turned off only players in the spectators.txt file (check your files section) will be able to spectate. I can't test now, but there _should_ be a way to kill the specators. You might need to go to the console in procon and do admin.listPlayers all and see what it returns. |
Thanks Malthius. I'll set the allow anyone to off once you've had a chance to fix our config page. At the moment this one has no checkbox either.
As regards the spectators.txt file. What format is that required in? I'm guessing simply a player name per line? |
The format is just a single soldier name per line.
I just paged through some servers and found one with a spectator online. Checking the log files vs what I see in Procon, if there is a spectator online you'll see them listed in Procon at the top of the list as Neutral. Other players will also show as Neutral while they join, but they'll be allocated to a team once they are in; spectators stay there. We are 50% of the way to the checkbox fix. |