Summary: | Dystopia v1.0 |
Date: | 24 Feb 07 |
Filename: | dystopia_v1_client.exe |
Size: | 516.5MB (541,633,210 bytes) |
Downloads: | 21217 |
Last Download: | 271 days ago |
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Description: |
Dystopia is a cyberpunk themed total conversion of Half Life 2, created by an amature development team and released to the public for free.
Dystopia places the player into tense combat situations in a high tech world spanned by computer networks. As either Punk Mercenaries or Corporate Security Forces the player will fight through the physical world to gain access, via jack-in terminals, to cyberspace. Cyberspace is a three dimensional representation of the world's network. Inside cyberspace players will launch programs to hack into systems linked to the physical world while fighting off enemy hackers and defending critical systems. Gameplay progresses through inter-linked physical and cyberspace objectives, some are completed in either the physical world or cyberspace, others only by a well timed combination of the two. Whether the player is a heavily augmented combat mercenary armed to the teeth with the latest in firepower, or a twitch reflex cyberdecker racing to infiltrate a cyberspace node; they'll be immersed in an action packed battle. Only through skillful use of the high tech arsenal we're making available and intelligent team play will players truly jack-in and kick ass. Team Dystopia is a collection of dedicated and talented gamers who are creating an action packed multiplayer game. Dystopia draws on the themes and concepts of the cyberpunk genre and implements ideas born out of years of gaming experience. With a diligently designed gameplay system, we hope to produce the next step in online multiplayer gaming. Dystopia v1.0 changelog: Maps -new map dys_assemble -new map dys_broadcast -new map dys_detonate -new map dys_undermine -updated version of dys_vaccine -updated version of dys_silo -updated version of dys_fortress -new map pb_urbandome -new map pb_round -new map pb_dojo -new map pb_rooftop Weapons -added Smart Lock Pistols for light -added Tesla Rifle weapon for medium -added Basilisk weapon for heavy -added Fly By Wire secondary fire to the Rocket Launcher -tweaked melee weapon push force -fixed rocket launcher timer resetting after deploying -added per weapon tracer effects -added per weapon empty shells -added new muzzleflashe effects -reduced rocket launcher primary turn speed -fixed laser rifle screen showing wrong ammo to spectators -made melee a little more accurate at close range -fixed rocket launcher screen for spectators -added deploy delay to spider grenades -fixed laser rifle spawning w/mach -fixed bug with boltgun stats not registering some misses -added dynamic tracer speeds (so they go faster for longer distance, etc) -restricted blocking to players front only -added a bit more gravity to the boltgun's bolts -fixed heavy machine pistol muzzle flash coming from their crotch -increased light katana's range by 8 inches -added tesla effect to ragdolls shot with sparky, or pinned & zapped by boltgun -fixed spider grenades colliding with players (sitting on their heads) -fixed gren launcher beams drawing through walls -added a global fix to stop fast switching circumventing fire rates -removed hl2 weapon switch menu (fast switch only now) -fixed rocket & laserrifle screens drawing while in vehicles -removed pickup sound on getting weapons -removed ammo pickup sound when spawning -made spidergrenades unlagged when shooting at them -reduced katana fire delay after doing a block -added new ion cannon beam effect -lowered Ion damage over distance, doubled drop off range -fixed laser rifle screen drawing during ledge grab -added per class view model arm textures -made projectiles fire from barrel (instead of eyes). This effects Boltgun, Grenade Launcher, Basilisk alt, Rocket, EMP Frag & Spider grenades -fixed rocket launcher not detecting small walls infront of user -buffed AR secondary fire -fixed katana not hitting props/walls on sideswings Implants -tweaked stealth movement rates, ducking now makes stealth dissapate at 2x the rate -added enhanced cyberdeck implant -made stealth glitch when you get shot or first activate stealth -added thermal vision for in-eye spectators -added stealth viewmodel for in-eye spectators -added wired reflexes implant (lowers reload time, weapon switching time, minigun spin up time and block stun time) -optimized and recoded thermal shader to work with ps1.1 shaders (eg. dx8 cards like geforce3's) -added thermal flag for point_cameras -added new thermal screen overlay -added new "heat" textures for each player model -added fade to bodies for thermal -added coldsuit implant (makes you invisible in thermal vision) -added eyeglow on thermal users -lowered sound supp energy drain 1.0 -> 0.5 /sec -increased swt energy drain 0.5 -> 0.75 /sec -fixed stealth sound staying on when activating stealth and sound supp at the same time -fixed sound suppressor not functioning for players outside your PVS -added ps1.1 emp shader -added a simple ps1.1 blur for thermal overlay -fixed full SCS energy only displaying as 74 -added thermal explosion flare -lowered TAC Scan cost from 20 to 15 -added "IFF Info" implant, shows enemy health/armor on their IFF CyberSpace -made ice defences non visible after a few seconds -added ice scan (to show defences) -added ice alarms (plays sound when enemy touches ice) -made ice mines shootable -stopped running two programs on one screen/ice at the same time (per person) -fixed players shooting their own teams mines and getting ponits for it -added shaft weapon to cyberspace -fixed spectating cyber frag crash -added energy shard drop to cyberspace on dump -fixed cyber skybox not showing up when spectating a hacker in 3rd person cam -increased cyber projectile push a bit and dmg a tad -added spray to JIP screen when user is cyber fragged -added mousewheel (or invnext, invprev) to weapon switching in cyberspace -changed Cyber Bloom to use valve's shader (for dx8) -added a env_microphone for deckers (so you can hear what's happening around your body in meatspace) -increased range of cyber hitscan attack -added new cyber program sounds -fixed cyber projectiles reporting incorrect numbers in the stats -added death notices for cyber frags -made cyber alarm play in world space (so the victim can hear it) -added Walk key to cyberspace -added delay to greenice and ice mines before activating -fixed program alignment when inside servers -made ice mins and ice alarms always visible to friendlies -added green ice, jacks out enemy deckers on touch and EMPs them -cyber_ice: added inputs for WedgeIce, CrackIce, Reactivate, added field WedgeDelay -cyber_drain: allows negative values to restore energy (without the dys.cyberpain sound) -cyber_weapon: made to damage cyberspace func_breakables -added cyber damage indicator (bright blue screen flash) -added client predicted beams for cyber hitscan and cyber shaft -added client predicted projectiles for cyber projectile weapon -increased bounce on cyber link walls -added refract effect for cyber projectiles -tweaked cyberspace movement, much faster in links and less floaty in nodes -added programs mini-game for Enhanced Deck -made ICE, ICE Mine, ICE Alarm & password to encryption upgrade Enhanced Deck Only -fixed cyber weapons firing through thin walls -added cyberspace ragdoll effect -made ICE Alarm trigger when a wedge or break is run -fixed shadows on players in cyberspace -increased points for cyberdamage in cyberfrag scoring -made program hacking mini-game client predicted -added new model for ice mine -added "Quit" button to cyber programs -Added new models for Cyber Alarm and Energy Shard -Fixed Cyber Orb appearing around player breifly when they jack in -made ice programs work on all sized ice barriers, and align to player height HUD -added joins/parts/etc to chat hud -added mini-map support to the radar -added mini-map zoom key, to see the whole map overview -improved hud ammo display -fixed scoreboard slowdown bug -new scoreboard -added sub objectives -radar: added error-checking for map overview scripts, overview now drawn with polygons and additive materials, adding clipping for objects way above/below player -hud_location: enabled border -added new objective icon -added up new iff (give it up for epicar, seriously) -fixed TAC scan radar ghosts -made IFF draw at longer range for vehicles -fixed radar drawing spawns that aren't currently active -added playernames to the radar for friendlies -added radar icon flash for team voicecomms -added radar mediplant flash for teammates on low health (if you have mediplant) -added new objective, sub objective and info icons to IFF, radar, objective hud -added +showmap bind, to display a larger radar with overview map -Added "My Stats" page to the in-game menu -Added health bar to dys_objectives, can be updated using SetHealth inputs -Added objective entity to dys_objectives, it will use this entity for position and size of objective IFF -fixed enemy deckers not drawing on radar -added dys_helper to display indepth hud message -added cortex icon to IFF when cortex is activated -made v turn voicecomm menu off (as well as 0) -added negative score display on TK's -moved voicecomms to chat log -added flashing player names to IFF when they do a voicecomm -streamlined end of round stats -fixed voicecomms cutting off player names -fixed voicecomm radar flash persisting over round/map change -fixed ghost stats appearing on the end of round scoreboard -fixed rounding error in stats, especially for high rof low damage weapons -added language support to voicecomms -added support for per team voice comms -added new respawn effect -fixed iff not clearing when thermal or emp on -changed IFF to print "Thermal Turret" when thermal is enabled -dys_hud_iff: added support for \\n characters in text for objectives and onscreeninfo -fixed mixed case button commands not working on vgui screens -enabled valve's mp3 player Sounds: - Added spawn sounds for Heavies and Mediums/Lights. - Added sounds for when you Jack In. - Updated confirm and deny sounds for Cyberspace programs - Updated and added voicecomms (220 total). Team Specific and class specific. - Updated hurt/death sounds for non-HL2 sounds. - Added sound for dys_helper IMs Other -fixed objective not triggering game end if no player activator input -added vehicles, with support for up to 4 passengers, projectile or hitscan weapons, working gears and custom handling & physics. includes support for 3rd party vehicles, all you need is a model and a scriptfile -added per class weightings to radius damage push force -added config execution to dys_presets.txt -added support for thermalvision turrets -added mp_ceasefire: callvote-able convar that disables firing of weapons -animated ammo dispenser -added team spec cam when dead for 6+ seconds (or when player clicks fire) -added OnJackIn & OnJackOut outputs for dys_jackinpoints -increased dumpshock damage -added dys_item and trigger_item for carryable objectives -fixed turrets health resetting to default (250) after it repairs -fixed client side player prediction error (on terrain, stairs, etc) -added punk heavy model -added sword attachments to player models (on their backs) -added friendly fire hit beep -fixed entity outputs firing after round restart (causing silo rocket to launch after round ends) -mp_ceasefire now disables turret fire and leg booster jump damage -map_restart now resets the stopwatch time to beat -added match_restart command -scoring: hardcoded point values to guarantee stat consistency across servers -made 3rd person death camera clip only against brush solids -added dys_melee_only cvar and entity, for phistball fun! -added new EMP map entity -callvote mp_friendlyfire -callvote mp_rounds -callvote mp_autoteambalance -callvote map_restart -callvote balanceteams -callvote dys_melee_only -callvote nextmap -added 'nextmap' console command -added env_microphones support to func_monitors (so you can hear the sound from the camera's location) -dys_spawn: added ForceSpawn input -dys_spawn_point: added OnSpawn output -cyber_jumppad: now fires when placed in meatspace -npc_turret_ceiling: added SetPunks, SetCorps, and Repair inputs, and -dys_ammodisp: added spawn flag to disable the model -callvote mp_friendlyfire -dys_item: added a Targetname, a RespawnDelay field, a OnceOnly spawn flag, outputs for OnPickup and OnRespawn, and a Respawn input -trigger_item: added field ItemName to specify which item can trigger it -dys_forcefield: added inputs for Disable and Enable -dys_allimplantsoff: console command to disable all active implants -disabled srctv cameraman -added info_camera_start, info_camera_start, info_camera_punkswin & info_camera_corpswin -fixed crash with dieing/changing class just after tossing a grenade -added FF hitbeep if you shoot your own turret -added first person ragdolls (toggle with dys_ragdoll_firstperson cvar) -made ragdolls follow players heads in case of decapitation -fixed some code pertaining to player's shadows in meatspace -added duck key to drop from a ledge grab -added HDR lightning support -fixed hitbeeps playing over env_mic's -removed ambient sounds from env_mic's -added negative frag & assit points for team kills -lowered minimum ledge grab height -fixed forcefield collisions -fixed player collisions with props -reordered implants on selection screen -added sv_pure that checks files listed in scripts\dys_protectedfiles.txt against those on the server when a player connects -added punish system for TK's (controlled with mp_punishvotes and mp_punishbantime cvars) -added CyberSpace flag to dys_objective -added CyberDeck flag to dys_onscreeninfo -Fixed player connected time not being set when player joins the server -Made autobalance switch the last player to join the game -gave heavies 20 less armor, 40 more health -added scoring for TAC scans -added cold thermal skin to viewmodel when coldsuit + thermal is active -fixed some weapon awards not being given -optimized model attachments code -fixed turrets not drawing tracers -added an override for clipping distance for JIP cameras (use fog params) -added first person arms viewmodel for ledge grabbing -made shadow state update faster on weapons (for coldsuit, stealth, etc) -removed flatline noise when player dies -added new heavy death sounds -fixed energy being refilled if suicided in any way or killed by world in stopwatch mode -fixed turret muzzle flash drawing through walls -fixed tracers not using attachments on vehicles -added compiler performance optimizations -hardcoded voicecomms (not using dys_voicecomms.txt anymore) -fixed spawns not detecting blockages properly -fixed turret animations being jerky |
MD5 Sum: | 2ceed7513533511c2b83002aaebcedd2 |
SHA1 Sum: | 564220c7345698a0ce90c743f2b4c737158bac13 |
Mirrors: |
- Games On Net (Internode) (131 clicks) |
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